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sarko redrawing the map!


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It will be interesting to see exactly what is proposed.

On the face of it some of the proposals don't seem to match up as described in the article. Fr'instance it talks about restoring the old historical boundaries of Normandy but also says that Brittany might expand 100 miles eastwards.


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I suspect that it will be a case of Plus ca change, plus c'est la meme chose.

In the UK, they re-drew the map in 1974 and created Avon, for example, and disbanded Rutland, for example.  Now what has happened?  Avon has been disbanded and Rutland is back.


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Poitou Charente as we know it would not exist any lobger, Deux Sèvres would belong to the Pays de Loire region ( n'importe quoi!!!)

The Vienne would belong to Limousin

The Charente would be Région Aquitaine...

I didn't get the info about Charente maritime....... 



And there would be a big change in Picardie/ Nord etc

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I understand what you say, but we are Poitevins.

Historically speaking, the Deux Sevres has always been part of the Poitou .

ANd I don't feel we belong to the Pays de Loire. ( even though I was not born here).



  • Le département des Deux-Sèvres a été créé en 1790 par la réunion d'une partie du Poitou et de fractions de l'Angoumois, de l'Aunis et de la Saintonge.

  • Occupé dès le paléolithique, il était peuplé, à l'époque de la colonisation romaine, par les Pictons.

  • Ravagé par les invasions successives, il fit partie au 10ème des domaines des comtes de Poitiers.

  • Les petites seigneuries se multiplièrent (Thouars, Parthenay, Bressuire) et de nombreuses abbayes furent fondées.

  • Par le remariage, en 1152, d'Aliénor d'Aquitaine avec Henri II Plantagenêt, la région tomba sous la domination anglaise et fut l'objet des rivalités entre la France et l'Angleterre.
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So will I be in Isle de France, Champagne Ardenne or in with the Chti's?

Regional identity dosnt mean a lot to me other than the duplication of already over the top administration,  I think that they should do the job properly and wipe out a few departements at the same time.

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