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Anarchy: the first signs?


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Ras-le-bol, definitely. Revolt, perhaps. Anarchy, not really.

The article starts with an inaccuracy: Sarkozy did receive a bullet in the post, but that was weeks ago, and the sener, a slightly deranged ex-military, was arrested and tried in Montpellier. The man has a psychiatric history, and was not acting out of political conviction, so that doesn't sound like a very good example.

Taking management as hostages, I seem to remember it happening on many occasions in the fast few decades in France. I am not sure (yet) that it is particularly sinister or revealing of things to come. At least, nobody has been shot yet!

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A bit of anarchy in the UK might not be a bad idea. I read today that Batclays bosses are to get huge bonuses from the sale of something or other. If the rich succeed they get rewarded; if they foul things up they get rewarded. If you take to the streets to protest about this you risk being beaten to death by an increasingly arrogant and unaccountable police force. Britons never shall be slaves? Tirez l'autre. Il y'en a cloches.
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5-e, thanks for telling the end of the story about the sender of the bullet.  I did wonder whether they found the culprit.  It's really a non-story, as you say; it's not as though bullets can fire themselves, is it?

Edward, I agree totally about these obscene rewards to the high and mighty and that includes the likes of greedy, immoral politicians.

As for the police, I don't want to talk about them.  There's bound to be some retired policeman on the forum who might then target me and, when I disappear from off the forum and the face of the earth, nobody will be held responsible and the Inquiry (if there is one) will say the evidence is "inconclusive"...[:D]

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