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Complete France Forum

CGT on house sale

Julie Clare

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Can any of you kind souls enlighten me as to what the ownership time is before you are exempt from CGT in France.  We have owned our house for six years and are considering selling ours and moving to somewhere needing less in the way of renovation as we are nearing retirement and it is becoming a bit of a `money pit'!  We have been told by friends that it is 15 years, is this correct ?  If so, is there a sliding scale before that?

Many thanks

Julie (Cote d'or)

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This is often covered in these forums and you can find comprehensive information using the forum search. In brief, if you are French tax resident and you are selling your principal residence there is no CGT liability. Otherwise, after five years of ownership the tax reduces by 10% each year until after 15 years there is no tax payable.
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