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Gendarme's access

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Do the gendarmes have the right to go onto private property without permission? My fetid neighbour has recently put up notices at the beginning and end of our cul-de-sac (there is a path leading from it) stating that the road is private property (which may or may not be correct) and it crossed my mind that the gendarmes might need permission to patrol down the road now which thay have always done from time to time. Any thoughts, svp?
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I'd have thought that the gendarmes/police can patrol where ever they like, also that anybody who objects to them doing so must have something to hide?

Quick edit.  Just because someone has put up a sign saying private, doesn't mean it wasn't private before the sign went up and as you say the gendarmes have patrolled there in the past.

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If the public are able to enter such a road, ie there are no bornes, barriers, gates or chains to prevent access, then it is classed as a 'voie privée ouvert à la circulation publique' and as such, the code de la route applies.  That gives the gendarmes powers of entry without having to obtain permission.


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Does your neighbour own the road, if not I'd have thought he can't restrict access anyway?

But being pragmatic, two Gendarmes, in their blues and carrying guns, would I argue with them about walking/driving along the road - bit of a no brainer that one - or a no brainser if you try to stop them!

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Thanks guys. My neighbour is mad, it is as simple as that. He was chased out of his last commune for being a bloody nuisance. At one point, apparently, they bent him over and pushed his head through a grill and stuck a large pointed stick up his backside, so he could go neither forward not back. And left him there. When someone came to the rescue, he hit them.

This is the guy whose wife is not allowed out of the house.

Unfortunately he is a tax inspector.

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