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Grass Cuttings


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  Can anyone give us advice on how to deal with a very difficult French neighbour ?   Now that the grass cutting season is with us, this man uses his "sit on" mower without a grass box and he waits until we go out shopping before he cuts the grass in the field next to our garden.    When we come home all the grass cuttings have been showered into our garden and if our washing is on the line drying, this and the garden has a good coating of dust and grass cuttings.       We want to install a waterfall and small pond shortly, but if this continues we are not going to be able to do this.

We have asked him to put a grass box on his machine (we know he has one) when cutting near to our fence but he has refused and we seem to be at an impasse.    Are there any laws or "unwritten rules" about causing a nuisance to neighbours (with grass cuttings or any other instance) that we can bring into play to stop this unnecessary annoyance ?    Any help will be most appreciated.

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Have you tried asking him to mow that strip from the other direction, so the cuttings get sprayed away from your garden, rather than into it?  It's the only obvious and simple solution I can think of.

I don't use our cuttings box as it fills up too quickly at this time of the year, but then I'm not annoying my neighbour, either.

It also ocurred to me that he may do the mowing when you go out so you will be less inconvenienced by the noise.


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Ask him to join you for a drink.

Try and suggest you show him your problem by cutting the strip adjoining your area.

do you speak french and does he speak english -if not try and find a translater or you will have to live with the problem.

a bit of give and take as you are the newcomer who is perhaps not understood.[:)][I]

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I don't want to sound unsympathetic, but it is only grass cuttings, and it is a garden. Is it worth arguing with a neighbour over such a thing? I guess the washing getting dirty is annoying, and a compromise could be found for that, but the french will probably think you are being over fastidious if you complain about grass cuttings on your grass!

I wonder if there is something else that is bothering this neighbour? Improving overall relations would be a step in the right direction methinks!

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