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Complete France Forum

Dispute with lawyer

Rod J

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Has anyone out there been in dispute with a French lawyer?


We have a civil case to pursue, so we put it in the hands of a French lawyer nearly three years ago. They said because of the ‘international’ nature of the case, they would like 300 Euros as a gesture of our commitment, and this was sent.


There was an intital flurry of emails ensuring that they had all the facts, and then…. nothing. Further letters and emails were ignored until about a year ago, when they wrote to say because of the physical distance between them and the defendant, they’d found another lawyer to take this on, but they would stay in touch ‘to oversee’ the situation (and an excuse to hang on to the 300 Euros!).


Shortly after this, we met this ‘new’ lawyer, who said they would put a case together, send it to us for approval, and then they would proceed through the courts. But (surprise, surprise) we didn’t hear any more, and they have also ignored our emails and letters for the last twelve months.


I assume there is the equivalent of the Law Society, and I’m just wondering if anyone has any experience with them?


Thanks for any help,



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Do you have anyone in situ who can help you? We called in the Huissier in our dispute, at the recomendation of our agents, who took photographs of the complete devastation of our beautiful town-house [don't know whether you are in a similar position]: same agents then went to a local lawyer who also asked for a substantial sum of money up-front - in fact 1850 euros. We gasped, but the outcome of the case was found in our favour, most of the monies recouped,so although it was a very nasty experience we took local advice and it worked for us. Good luck. Private em us if you need additional help.


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