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Laws regarding Fishing Rights


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Hi all


I urgently need some advice regarding the laws relating to private fishing lakes.


We are about to sign a compromis to purchase a house with a small private carp lake/pond (roughly ½ acre).  The lake is completely fenced off and lies about 5 metres away from a stream, a pipe feeds the lake from the stream, there is also an overflow pipe running from the lake back into the stream.  At no point does the lake physically contact the stream other than through the pipes which are laid underground.  The lake is self contained and does not run anywhere else. There is also a busy road a few metres away. 


The lake is apparently well stocked with carp, I do not have any intention of running it as a commercial venture as it would probably be too small, I have no idea as to how such a small enterprise would pay its way anyway.


I have read a posting on a forum that states that if the lake is fed from a stream then anybody with a fishing licence is legally entitled to fish in it, this has alarmed me somewhat.  Can anyone clarify or confirm this as fact.


If it is indeed fact, how do the commercial fishing lakes operate ?.  Presumably they are also fed by streams or rivers yet they are able to charge people to fish there.


All advice gratefully received.

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I think that Debra is the expert on this, but as I understand it the stream would have to run through your lake or pond to allow others to fish in it, simply being fed from the stream without interfering with the normal course of the stream wouldn't constitute that. The stream however, if it's on your land could be fished.

If you want to fish in your own lake you will still need a permit.

Crispy Pea, alias Little Bustard.


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