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Well as I wasn't sure as to where to put this, then the Post Bag actually seemed appropriate.

We are having problems with our french post when it gets to the UK. Our address is correct, including post code, but it is being sent to UK Mail in Slough, who are putting a label over the 'stamp' and then it is getting forwarded to us weeks later. EG a bank statement, sent in France on 18th of April, which I could see when  I peeled back the label and it arrived on the 5 May. A bank statement from France which was sent on the 3rd of May arrived on the 6th of May as it did not go via Slough.

I have written to Royal Mail and UK Mail to complain.

Has this happened to anyone else? If so what have you done about it?

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I had wondered about the stamps on these, but they aren't all from the same place either and have printed postmarks on the envelopes rather than actual stamps.

I need to know, if they are underpaying I'll have to tell these various people.


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Some friends of ours who had a house out here but were still living in the UK had loads of trouble with this when several insitutions (water and electricity to name but two) failed to put enough postage on their letters and the bills were heavily delayed and didn't get paid on time as a result.  A real nightmare.  It might not be that, but as you say, it's difficult to tell with some of these pre-franked letters (which, because they are done "in house" instead of by La Poste, are more likely to be wrong.)
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[quote user="idun"]

I had wondered about the stamps on these, but they aren't all from the same place either and have printed postmarks on the envelopes rather than actual stamps.

I need to know, if they are underpaying I'll have to tell these various people.[/quote]

I think this is your answer.

A pre-printed postage will most probably be adequate within the country of origin, but not sufficient for postage abroad.

I used to work in a mail-order business in the UK and we would weigh and stamp each letter or parcel to Europe and the US, because our pre-paid envelopes and packages would not cover postage outside the UK.

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That could be the case, but it is not sufficient to simply add a further label and not mention underpaid postage. IF they had done that very simple of things then I could have let people know and request that they take care when posting things to me.

I'll see what Royal Mail and UK Mail say.

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[quote user="woolybanana"]Surely, it is illegal to hold up or hold back post, though the recipient might be asked to pay a supplement?[/quote]


All of my Credit Agricole originated post from France comes via Slough.

I may be wrong - so would welcome appropriate correction - but mail has been deregulated in in the UK and many firms are providing bulk mailing services. CA sends all UK mail to the firm in Slough which then sorts it for delivery. Delivery, however is subcontracted to Royal Mail, which is the only organisation with a universal doorstep delivery service.

Probably no-one is holding back mail, but, to reduce costs, the bulk handling company is nowhere near as efficient as Royal Mail.

So, Idun, complaining to Royal Mail may be a waste of time.

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"I used to work in a mail-order business in the UK and we would weigh and stamp each letter or parcel to Europe and the US, because our pre-paid envelopes and packages would not cover postage outside the UK."


I think the OP means that the envelopes are franked, not pre-paid.
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CK I have sent letters to Slough and to Royal Mail asking what is going on. The one to Slough asks the simple questions, 'who are you' and 'why are you hanging onto my mail for weeks'. As that is simply what I want to know.

It hasn't just been just things from one company, it has been at least two and I'll have to check that it has not been more. Some important mail has been delayed by weeks and weeks and this is not good enough, especially when I end up calling to ask what is going on and they say that they have sent out correspondence for us.

I am silly really, changing my methods. I always kept the envelope with the correspondence when I lived in France. I don't always do that since I have been back and now am going to have to start doing it again.


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[quote user="CBC65"]"I used to work in a mail-order business in the UK and we would weigh and stamp each letter or parcel to Europe and the US, because our pre-paid envelopes and packages would not cover postage outside the UK."


I think the OP means that the envelopes are franked, not pre-paid.[/quote]

Thanks for the correction. Do let Royal Mail know ASAP, seeing that's how they describe them...

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