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Power of attorney?


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I have just had an e-mail from my estate agent (after I sent him one to tell him the dates we were coming) saying that the notaire will be away during this period but we can sign by power of attorney. 1, what will this mean ?and 2 who do we give P of A too?  I can not beleive this as in the first signing we all agreed a period in which we had to be there to sign. He must of know he was going to be on holiday is this normal? from a very worried house buyer
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I think what the estate agent is trying to say, is that as you are coming over, then you can sign a procuration or power of attourney form at the notaire's office with one of the clerks, then when the notaire is back, he/she will complete the sale using your POA delegations. You can either assign the power to the estate agent, or to one of the notaire's clerks.

However, why don't you try to fix a date when every one will be present - this is what we try to do as estate agents. We know it is a rather special day for all concerned.

Good luck,


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We did arrange a date(s) of between 19th - 28th aug which was to allow for us to get flights booked ect. at the time every one said they would be there , I emailed to comfirm we had flights getting us there on the 23rd and could we sign on the 24th only to be told he would be on holiday. grrrrrrr.

Will we still be able to get the keys on the 24th if we have to wait for the notaire to return after this date to complete the sale?  

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[quote user="pads"]

We did arrange a date(s) of between 19th - 28th aug which was to allow for us to get flights booked ect. at the time every one said they would be there , I emailed to comfirm we had flights getting us there on the 23rd and could we sign on the 24th only to be told he would be on holiday. grrrrrrr.

Will we still be able to get the keys on the 24th if we have to wait for the notaire to return after this date to complete the sale?  


We were able to get the keys before the final signing but we had to get permission in advance and complete some kind of security document. You might not be able to take the keys away with you if you leave before the contract is signed.

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[quote user="pads"]

Will we still be able to get the keys on the 24th if we have to wait for the notaire to return after this date to complete the sale?  


Not likely, as it will need the Notaire to draw up an agreement with the Vendors, to get the keys before the signing.

That is France in August, I'm afraid.

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HI Pads,

I bought using the power of attorney.

What happened was, everyone in france was keen to complete very close to Christmas and I just couldn't get over.

I was using a UK solicitor throughout and he wasn't remotely phased by this. He helped me complete the power of attorney forms, and off they went to france. 

Then when I was able to get out - 2 days after  'completion' - I just picked up the keys from the estate agent who had taken final meter readings for me. It was all very easy.

Don't know what your  ideal timescale is but it's possible that everything could be completed before the notaire goes on holiday ( which , of course means you transferring the money earlier) and you can then just pick up the keys from the estate agent when  you're over.

Mine was a very straightforward purchase of a small apartment. There had been no negotiation over land/furniture etc  so obviously other people may have more difficult situations in which there are things they want to check for themselves before signing in which case granting power of attorney  would not allow them to do so - but for me, it worked fine.


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Are you buying an empty property or one that is currently lived in. If empty, you might be able to prevail upon the owners' better natures to lend you the keys in advance of the completion in order to leave things in the house, ready for your ownership.

However, it would probably be better to try to get the completion sorted out before the notaire goes on holiday. Why don't you ask the estate agent or notaire to let you have the POA forms early if you are unable to change your flights. The completion can then take place and you can pick up the keys on your already planned trip.


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Hello and thankyou to everyone who sent replies, after another ten emails to my estate agent he keeps telling me that everything will be done  before the notaire goes on holiday, and we will just have to sign when we get there , but everytime i ask the question, " by everything being done do you that mean we can have the keys and move in" he never answers me!!!!! but i will keep asking as im nothing if not persistant. many thank again, any more info or words of support at this very tense but happy time will be gratfully received  
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From what you say, it looks as if the notaire will have all the paperwork done before the agreed date of your visit for the signing, and so as not to cause you to postpone the happy event until he comes back from holiday, he's asking for your power of attourney so he can execute the acte and complete the transaction earlier. 

Power of attourney is quite normal in circumstance like this.  When you arrive, the house will already be yours and you just collect the keys and move in.

Why not telephone the notaire and ask him for confirmation that this is the case?

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