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Changing ownership of house


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Our house in france was purchased solely in my name, not in that of myself/partner.     

Would it be possible does anyone know please for me to change the house  to be in names of both myself and my partner?    If so what would be the process.

many thanks in advance for any responses.


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it is my sole property so i had understood there would be no CPT incurred - thanks for both responses - i had worried that it would be something which may notbe possible in france.   i will contact notaire in near future once we are settled a bit more (only been here 3 months) and sort it  out. thanks again
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Just a thought which may be totally wrong.  You refer to your partner, rather than a husband/wife.  It is my understanding that French law only recognises married couples (husband/wife) for joint house ownership, and that any other relationship becomes difficult due to inheritance laws.

I suggest that when you approach the notaire you explain clearly your legal relationship with your partner and then take his advice.

If you have children, or any other relations, you may also need their permission to change official ownership of the house.

Hope this helps,



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[quote user="David"]

 It is my understanding that French law only recognises married couples (husband/wife) for joint house ownership, and that any other relationship becomes difficult due to inheritance laws.[/quote]

You can do it in joint names, but it makes inheritance really complicated if you don't have children.  The Notaire will no doubt try to discourage it.

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correct we are not married - and neither of us have children - probably still possible but a tad unlikely now!

although house was/is mine in technical financial terms i guess, my partner is doing loads of work on it, so it seems unfair that he is not listed as co-owner, the reason why i have decided to try to get changed to both names.

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I really am not an expert in this matter, but another thought is that the Notaire, for inheritance tax purposes, may insist that your partner actually provides his own funds to become joint owner.  I doubt that unpaid work would count.  Perhaps before seeing the notaire you might think about this aspect, and have ready any paperwork needed.

There are several books published which may assist you, or other people on this forum might be able to give you better advice.

Good luck with the Notaire.


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