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Choice of régime matrimonial - getting married soon!


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Our move is finally going ahead on 1st August.  Our wedding is planned for 28th October in France.  We have all our bits of paper except régime matrimonial.

Please can anyone point me towards a posting /info/link regarding the various options? I have been reading old posts but most seem to apply to changing the contract /property purchase only.

Our situation is that we are over 40, I have 2 children from a previous marriage, OH has none. There will not be any more! .  We both have living parents, (only my mother my side) and lots of siblings so there are protected heirs.

We are renting in France for two years and then plan to buy a house in France. We both currently have buy to let properties in the UK which we may or may not want to sell to buy in France. I would probably want to return to the UK if OH dies first or at least downsize, he would want to stay. We would want to avoid having to get permission from protected heirs/forced sale.

As our choice of marital regime now will affect present and future property I do want to get it right.  I have a list of English speaking notaires in our area (from the link Debra posted to notaires web site) but would like to have a clear understanding of all the potential issues regarding future inheritance on first death, taxes, etc before seeking the advice of a Notaire.

I do apologise if I have totally missed a relevent topic.



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Here is a link to get you started http://www.notaires.fr/notaires/notaires.nsf/V_TC_PUB/SMSD-5WFEXZ

You should also click on the "Current News - The new rights of the surviving spouse" .

Note also that the law is changing with regards to parents - i.e they will no longer be protected heirs from 1st Jan 2007. see http://www.totalfrance.com/france/forum/viewtopic.php?t=15052

Another Notaire web site that seems up to date http://www.onb-france.com/familia/index.php3?langue=en&id_gmenu=3505&code_menu=liberalite&id_art=15112

Some other threads that might be of interest





Although one or two of those go a bit off topic.

Hope that helps








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