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Pine trees can they be cut down if 1st owner had a grant?


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When we bought our house about 4 years ago the trees around the house were available with the house. we declined as we are in our 70s and did not want so much land. Now the trees are growing very fast and we wish we had bought immediately around our property. 4 years ago the owner said he had to mow between the trees for another 3 years. Some of the trees have been planted at least 10 years.

If we bought some of the trees would we be able to cut them down??

Any advise most welcome

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I do not know the answer but as nobody else has commented, I have heard of something similar that certainly used to happen.  I know of somebody in the UK (quite a few years ago now) who got an EU grant to plant a load of trees on their land and one of the conditions was they had to keep a certain area around each tree clear of weeds for a quite a long period of time (helps the trees grow quickly).

If this is the same sort of thing, then I assume the owner has been getting paid for the trees being their (either when planted or each year).  Thus I would expect that were you to buy them, there might be conditions attached that you maintain clearing around them, etc. and probably that they not be cut down.  If its an ongoing payment then you might start receiving the grant.

However, I do not know this and the best thing would be to ask the current owner (e.g. “we want to cut them down and if we purchased them would this be possible ?”).

Depending on how many, etc. they might be expensive to have cut down.  also, the timber from them is not particularly useful (most people would not burn it for heating due to the high level of resins in the wood).


Late last year I had to cut back a load of Lellandii (sic) that were overhanging the road and we just burnt most of the branches there and then on the ground.  It was a line of them about 40m long and we were just cutting them back (not cutting them down) and it took two long afternoons with me and two professional tree people working without a break.


Sorry I cannot be more help.



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Dear Ian

Thank you for the reply. I understand what you are saying. I did not want to ask the owner of the trees until I was sure if I could have them felled or not. I am sure it would cost a lot but I do not want to lose my wonderful view. I cannot really afford to buy the land never mind cut them down, but it might be worse to lose the view and be buried in a pine forrest!

many thanks

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