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Getting a Divorce in France...


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Ok, since I am a non EU resident married to my french wife for a little over two years now, if I get a divorce I do know I will need to return to my native country. Big Deal.

However on getting the divorce it self, what are my rights (chances are I have none), is she entitled ot half or more of my assetts. (Which really do not amount to much), and what if I dont make enough money to pay whatever alimony the court decides?

Moreover how long is the process?

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  • 2 weeks later...
Hi. You need to be more specific, from the little you have stated you should just move away. You are not an EU resident and are therefore unlikely to be tied into any cross country agreements.

What are your requirements? Do you want a definate split so you can re-marry at some point? Are there children involved? Who will be the petitioner? Are both parties in agreement?

As far as I know, if you leave France and have kids you are liable to pay maintenance but your other half is liable to contribute to travel costs -- that's if the divorce is made in France. You may be able to divorce your other half from your birth country - under your country's terms (certainly you can in the UK).

In france there are rules about property and seperations - it's all down to who is seen to be leaving the familly home; if one half leaves the other half needs to log this with the relevant authorities.

I'm no expert, but there are various websites that offer advice, I suggest you search for one based in your country of birth and see what they say on the matter.

Good luck pal.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I know I can just move away. But the problem is I would like a clean split. It would be mutual, and I really dont care about the meagre assets I do have.

I would probably cut my head off before I ever reconsider marraige, but that is another story. I just want a clean start.

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