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House Insurance


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Hi, I do not know if anyone can help me on this. We bought a house over 2 years ago and did the insurance (both house and content) at the time of purchase. Although we still live in England and intend moving there at the end of next year. Last October we move address here (not very far away) and kept same phone no, I wrote ot everyone that we pay bills to, electir ,telephone,water etc including insurance company. our policy was due for renewal on May 1st but we received no renewal note, as we were going to France the first two weeks of June we decided to go to our local bank to set up an account and do their house insurance as i was under the impression we were not insured, this was then set up . 2 days ago I received a phone call from our first company wondering why we had not paid and that we were still insured with them, they had apparently send the renewal note to our old address. They are now asking for the years premium and to cancel our policy with the bank which we have paid for the whole year. What I'd like to know is if they can do this as I'm not sure of the French rules on this. Many thanks, Bob.
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I had exactly the same thing happen to me.  A company in Caen (not Britline) used to insure my property for me and kept sending all the letters to my address in England in spite of the fact that we had moved only 6 weeks after completing the purchase on our house here in France.  This June,(two years later)  I had had no renewal notice so I wrote to them and e-mailed them saying that I had received no communications from them in spite of my having notified them of my change of address about 6 times in the past year. Meanwhile, I, like you, fixed up the renewal with a new company.

 They then miraculously "discovered" my "new" address and a renewal and demand for money appeared here in France, 3 weeks after the renewal date.  Basically, I then wrote them a very rude letter and in words of not many sylables, told them to "go away".  A week later, I received a form from them, formally ending my insurance agreement with that company.  Be tough and don't pay up unless they threaten you.  The French rules as such, I do not know in detail but the company seemed prepared to back down anyway so it was well worth a go - no doubt somebody else on this forum will tell you the legal ins and outs but meantime, take a look at the notaires website which can be helpful.

Persist, I think they will realise you have the moral highground here anyway.

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You informed your insurers of your change of address last October, and they still sent the renewal to the old address.  That means you did not receive the renewal (which includes a statutory reminder of your right to cancel).  

For insurance contracts the company has to advise you of your cancellation rights at least 15 days before the yearly premium is due. If they delay writing to you, then you have 20 days from the postage date of their reminder.  If you are not advised at all, then you can cancel the contract at any time after the renewal date by a registered letter with receipt. The contract then ends on the day following the postal date of your letter.


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