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has anyone experienced this problem with a new build in France?


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We bought a new house off plan which we took over in June last year.The house was supposedly 'ready' in April but we could not go to sign in April.When we took the house on in June there were numerous small things missing and wrong with the house and one big thing(or so we thought)and that was that the pool was far from ready for use.After a lot of calls and frustration we managed to get the developers to finish the pool to enable us to use it whilst there, we also did the customary check list for all the other bits.We went back with our family in August for a two week holiday and discovered that with us all living there and using the showers,baths,dishwasher,washing machine and sinks that we had a very big problem.

We had a blockage in the outlet pipe which meant that the toilet upstairs was overflowing and subsequently over a period of time water started to flow out in the utility room all over the floors.We were told that the sub contractor tilers were in the habit of emptying their left over cement into toilets, sinkes wherever and that this could be the problem.I cannot go into how long this took to get something done about it as we dont have the time here but siffice to stay our holiday was ruined and this took a long time which resulted in our upstairs toilet being taken out and the surrounding floor being dug up to 'unblock'!

We are not renting our property, thankfully, therefore we are using the house maybe every two months so it takes living it to discover whether the work was carried out poperly or not, it wasnt, as we spent a fortnight there in July/August this year and discovered the problem has not been cured, maybe just moved to another area.On emptying a bath, water was all over the utility room, into the hall and kitchen.

The developers told us to claim on insurance!!We refused and they sent a plumber in four weeks after this was first reported who fiddled about putting a vent pipe in the loft(we also thought there was a vacuum problem as well as the blockage)and then announced that this has not worked it is a blockage so claim off the insurance!!As you can imagine we are incensed as this problem is the problem we had discovered within 3 months of purchase and in spite of assurances that it would be solved, it has not been.

We have e mailed our representative there to inform them that we will not claim but want them to send in a structural engineer at their expense to see where the problem lies and the we want an independant company to go in and cure the problem.We have not heard anything from them.Can someone please please tell us where we stand with this whole sorry mess as we feel that we have been sold faulty goods and as yet do not have any comeback.The stress and frustration of dealing with this is immense and what should have been a happy milestone in our lives has turned very sour.Any comments on what we should do next would be greatly appreciated, maybe some of you have experienced the same scenario.


Carole and Mike Johnson


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Its probably no good relying on emails.

Send a registered letter giving them X days to put things in hand. At the same time mention that unless this is done you will claim from your Assurance Domage Ouvrage policy.

This policy is designed to come into play when the contractor does not do what they are supposed to do., so use it!

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If you have signed any document to say the house was finished to your satisfaction, eg when you paid the last installment,  the insurers will be very reluctant to pay out now. 

By all means write and make a claim under the A D O but be prepared for a battle which may need legal assistance.

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