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Limousin advice please..

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Greetings all - first post here !

Need some advice on the general area of the Limousin.

We are looking to buy a house for mainly family holiday use but also for a holiday let for a couple of months during the middle of summer (we are looking into the legal/tax aspects of that also).

Also to spend more time there during retirement.

The area we are targeting is roughly within this:

North - Limoge,

South - Gourdon,

East - Perigueux,

West - Tulle.

We are familiar with the Southern part of this area but not the Northern part eg. above Brive.

Whilst we intend to explore this area this summer I wondered if I could garner advice and general opinion on peoples favourite spots for things to do, exploring, activities, beautiful scenery etc ? (and also as a nice place to live)

Would be useful to have a few thoughts to help with our research.

Thanks all ...
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My first port of call in France 18 years back was Juillac North of Objat north of Brive

It was ('cus I left 9 years ago ) a great area but the problem was too many Brits and Dutch I gather from old friends they are pulling up sticks now and going home There are lots of ex-pats properties for sale at inflated prices Weather in early spring cold and wet

If I returned to that area which is unlikely as I now live close to the Pyrenees Tulle would be my choice
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We're more or less in the middle of your area.

When we bought (fin 1998) we were the only Brits in the village,   although a certain quite famous Scottish author of detective novels had lived there for about 15 years,  leaving a few years before we arrived.   Although a number of Brits have moved to the area since it is as nothing compared to say round Bergerac;   enough to find sympathetic  company but not enough to overwhelm the French population.    Certainly the greatest influx was round about 2003,  people who were moving to get away from Britain but who hadn't really perhaps the affinity with France that would have been desirable;   many of those folk are indeed desperate to go back.

We are just in 24,   but feel that the scenery deteriorates to the west of Perigueux - at least for our tastes.   But it improves the further east you go,   Correze is an utterly beautiful department,   although it gets colder and higher as you move towards the Massif Central.  

The weather can be grim,   I'd concur with the remarks about the spring - we've suffered interminable grey periods in April, May and June when Britain has been basking in sunshine.  

We've been shown nothing but welcoming friendship and kindness,   although it's helped by the fact we both speak French.    And perhaps the fact that we're not there the whole time,   so people are pleased to see us when we arrive!

Hautefort has a magnificent castle and also a very good restaurant (Table d'Erillac).    Tourtoirac has some grottes.

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