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Tax reductions for some

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Mr Valls is proposing income tax reductions of up to 350 euros per individual for those earning up to 1.1 times the SMIC which is 1589.92 euros. For couples with a pension of up to 1589. 84 each (ie 2.2 SMIC) the reduction is doubled.

This is supposed to be coming into force for this year - ie revenues of 2013.

So, perhaps good news for some, if it goes through.
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I do believe that that is because many who are on very low wages have been hit for tax this year when they have never earned enough to pay previously. The poorest simply cannot afford it and I am glad that he has done this.

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WB ...............

There's a piece about this in today's Midi Libre and unless I've misread it, Valls appears to be saying that this will be for 2014 revenue assessed in 2015.

I'll have a look on the Impots site later, but I somehow doubt that there'll be anything there because its simply something on a politician's wishlist at the moment rather than definitive.

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Yes they do, don't they?

Oh well, if it comes to pass it'll be a nice surprise for a lot of people on here.  €3k-ish per month would be more than many couples see I suspect.

I'll bet that the Impots are over the moon about this - PM's making major fiscal changes a couple of months before assessments begin!!


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