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Different levels/types of building permission?


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I gather that depending on the scale/size of proposed work, that there are two levels of building permission which have to be applied for/are needed from la Mairie before work can be started? If so, can someone please tell me the correct titles in French of the two different levels and provide at least an idea of each ones parameters?

The reason I ask, is that our neighbour has told us several times in writing, that he wants to put up a premier etage on his single story house (an L shaped building attached at ground floor level to our 2 story house, with the external wall of the longer leg of the L being only 1.8-2.2 m. from our boundary fence) but may have only applied for the lower level of permission having told la Mairie that he is building a "veranda" of less than 20 m sq. but may not have told them it is to be built on top of his existing walls rather than at ground level!

Also, do I correctly understand, that as direct neighbours, by right, we should have been/be sent details by la mairie of any application for works made by our neighbour? So far we've received nothing from la mairie and they haven't done so even after being specifically asked, so how can we ensure that we are kept informed about what is really going on?

The joys of having neighbours!





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I think the terms you are looking for are 'declaration de travaux' (the low level permission) and 'permis de construire' (roughly equivalent to full planning permission.

As you have noticed, the distinction between the two can be rather muddy. But as part of even the 'declaration de travaux' includes before and after impressions, then a construction like your neighbour's should have been picked up if he had said exactly what he was doing.

In practice, the work that has actually been done is seldom checked. In the case of a problem it is often left up to those who feel the permission may have been exceeded to make an objection. By the same token, there does not seem to be a 'right' for neighbours to be notified (or if there is, it is seldom done). It is more the responsibility of neighbours to check the notice boards at the Mairie.

It's not all bad, things do seem to be tightening. In the past if you wanted to convert your attic, it was considered sufficent to make a declaration de travaux to cover the insertion of roof windows. Now, however, applicants are likely to be asked for before-and-after floor plans, so that the DDE (planning authority) can judge exactly how far the alterations go.

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Will - to confirm that as ever, your finger is on the pulse! We have

submitted the Declaration to install a Velux in our roof, we currently

have a mezzanine and are not changing the floor area. And we've been

asked for  floor plans and cross-sections. Now I understand 

what it is required for. Thanks![:)]

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Thanks for your as always knowledgeable reply.

Major problem for us and many others I suspect, is checking the notice board if we have long/longish gaps between visits.

I only hope that we can extract details from la mairie of what exactly has been applied for when we're over in 3 weeks time.

One last thought Will, you wouldn't happen to have a fine formal/official sounding phrase we can use when we ask for the application details at la mairie would you?





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I agree with what you say, it's where the French system falls down.

I don't know about an official sounding phrase, maybe those with more experience of dealing with building issues will be able to help? I've always found that an informal approach works better, but then the maires I have dealt with have just been farmers or small commercants who also happen to be maire of the commune. Some, certainly in the larger communes, can be a bit pompous though.

I would just explain that 'j'ai des soucis au sujet des travaux chez le voisin' and 'est-ce-qu'ils sont fait avec ou sans un permis de construire'. My French is probably very bad, but should be understood, and nodoubt somebody will be able to give you a more correct version 

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