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Taxe d'habitation


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Hi there, new to the forum - hope this works! I have read with interest some habitation tax queries and answers but have a couple of my own that I would really appreciate some help with.  Firstly, I thought habitation payment was for being resident for over a certain period of time i.e. over so many days (90) if you are not perminantly living in France, which we are not - reading some replies this appears not to be the case?  Our house is habitable (elec/water connected) and we do spend 'holiday' time there through the year ( owned 18 months)  however, we do not use rubbish collection (just the roads!!!).   Secondly, we have no television or phone connection to the property so are we exempt from licence fee?  Any views.  Thanks  Debbiej

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I agree totally with the above comments, but I do remember a discussion recently at another forum where several people insisted that as maisons secondaires, their houses were liable for a reduced rate of taxe d'habitation. I was sceptical then, and remain so, but bearing in mind the well-known regional variations in France, wonder if anybody here had come across this?
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I thought the only real deabte was as to whether soem commjunes would charge higher taxes on second homes. I think there is a real problem (benfit for some!) that because the taxe d'hab is linked to the income tax declarations, some people do slip through the net and don't pay anything when they should be paying 100%. There doesn't seems to be any audit / cross-check within the tax computer system.
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We went to the local Hotel Des Impots in September to explain we were not full time residents and wondered if there was a reduced rate for the taxe d'hab. Our details were carefully noted, they already send bills to our UK address so they know we have a couple of places.

No bill as yet, our thought was if you do not ask you do not get. I hope it will not be an increase as BJSLIV mentions, we are in a biggish town with very few second homes so we may be OK.

I will post when we receive the bill.

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[quote user="BJSLIV"]I thought the only real deabte was as to whether soem commjunes would charge higher taxes on second homes. I think there is a real problem (benfit for some!) that because the taxe d'hab is linked to the income tax declarations, some people do slip through the net and don't pay anything when they should be paying 100%. There doesn't seems to be any audit / cross-check within the tax computer system.[/quote]


No its a pity there isn't a cross check, because it would save having to give CPAM a copy of the tax submission and tax payment advice each year.  It would also catch all those  cheating buggars who live here, have a carte vitale and either don't "officially"  live here or don't submit an income tax form. ( we all know somebody don't we!!)

 We know the systems are linked because when I went to the Tax office with a friend who through ignorance had not submitted a tax form, he was gob smacked to see that he was already on "the system", so why don't they do cross checks?

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This year on a couple of other forums I have seen people say that they

got reduced Taxe Habitation through it being a Maison Secondaire. On

being questioned about it and asked as to how, not one person ever came

back with a reply ? And the same now ...............

As for the Carte Vitale, I would not like to hazard a guess as to how

many ex pats have them but are not registered here for tax.... it is

very simple to apply for a C.V and indeed receive one (especially so

for those with an E121) but I know of no one picked up for not

declaring at the Impôts but in reciept of a C.V...and yes, I know of a

few who live here in this mode.

C'est la France huh !

And can you tell us where the following comes from please ?

[quote] Firstly, I thought habitation payment was for being resident for over a

certain period of time i.e. over so many days (90) if you are not

perminantly living in France ...[/quote]

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Sorry - bit off message I know, but would appreciate the team's thoughts!

We bought our house in November 2004. In 2005 we were told that the previous owners would have paid and we paid via the notaire. Now the previous owners were French, retired, in their 70's and I suspect paid no/little tax. We [aid foncieres last year. In September 2005 I went into the tresorerie and asked for the Habitation and was told nothing due at that time. I have now submitted and paid an Impots. Do you think I will get a Habitation bill, and will it be backdated?

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Our neighbour opposite Château Despair lives in St Malo so it is his weekend retreat/second home...and he pays more taxes and more rubbish bill.

Very strange.  Especially about the rubbish.  I can't understand why but that is France for you.

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We used to be billed by our own commune for Ordures Menagères but for the last two years it has been billed by Saint Malo then put on our taxe Foncières and it has trebled !!

We have to pay for all the blinkin' tourists rubbish, $3%&^*@~%$ I

don't mind paying for the ones that stay here but not for all the

others !!

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When I asked if I might qualify for a reduced Dechetterie charge as I was only occupying the house for a short time each year, I was told there were indeed 2 rates of charge depending on occupancy. The first was the standard rate I had been charged; the second was twice the standard rate for a "second home". She said she would reclassify it as a second home if I wished or we could pretend I hadn't raised the subject.... Eh, what subject was that?

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