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Adult Adoption


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Does anyone know if it is possible to adopt an adult in France (35 year old).  The purpose of this would be to reduce inheritance tax as I have no children of my own but wish to leave my estate to the daughter of my x-partner whom I have brought up as my own daughter.  I would be french resident but my prospective daughter would be UK resident.  Is there anywhere I can get advice?
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Four years ago when my mum and step-dad were looking to buy their house here in France we thought this would be the solution for us but were told by a French avocat that it wasn't possible.  I think you can do it up to about 21 but I was just the wrong side of 40 at the time and told - no way!
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There is a lot of information on the www.notaires.fr web site, but not as far as I can see about this specific adoption question. The English version of the page is almost entirely about adopting a foreign child from an underprivileged country, whereas the French one uses a different text which is much more informative about the French situation. It includes the possibility of adopting a child from a spouse's previous marriage, though on a quick reading it doesn't cover ex-partners. It also allows single people to adopt - though, oddly, not unmarried partners, not even under a PACS agreement. It also doesn't seem to mention adult adoption. I would recommend a close look at that site, particularly the French version, as there are all sorts of other documents referenced from the main pages. They contain a lot of information but specific topics are not easy to find without reading through a lot of other text (in French).

There is also information (again only on the French version of the site) about the changes to the inheritance laws coming in next year which make some provision for step children - as long as the right course of action is followed - but these may not apply to your case.

The best solution is to consult a lawyer. You will probably get an initial consultation free with a notaire, but as this is a complicated situation you will most likely be referred to a specialist avocat, or the notaire may research it him/her self for a fee.

When we looked into the same thing a few years ago our information was that adult adoption was theoretically possible, but subsequent research suggested that so many requirements had to be met, particularly when the adoptee lived in a different country, that it looked far less likely.

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