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Living in France under 18...


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I'm 16, and currently learning French. I'm wondering how possible it would be to live in France for a few months at 16 alone, working. I know, in theory, being a British citizen and having an EU passport, I can get employment in France, but how easy is it for a 16 year old to find work and is it even legal?

In Britian, you can leave home at 16 with parental permision, is it the same case in France? Is it even legal?

Thanks for any advice

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I don't know about the legal aspects, but without a good command of the French language you will find it hard. What type of work do you want?

Have you thought about being an au pair? You would get accomodation, a small wage and the means to improve your France that most of us would give our eye teeth for.

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Currently, I wouldn't say my French is good enough to work, at the momment, but I wouldn't go until I feel my command of the language is at a level where I can understand what's going on around me and what's being said.

Also, I've never considered being an Au Pair before, but looking into it, it looks quite a good way to improve my French while living in the country.

Any advice on how to find work as an Au Pair?

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It is apparently far easier to learn a language the younger you are and as I found out, learning French at nightschool from a English woman did little to prepare me for life in France, the accents and speed of native French speakers really deflated my confidence.

I think it is really impressive that you want to do this. Personally, I think the au pair route would be good as living (cost free) in someone else's house is a major advantage and you don't have the worry of finding money for bills etc. If you did this for 12 months , I think it would be the best grounding for you to then branch out on your own. There are organisations on the web that will find families for you.

Best of luck!

Edit A quick search and I found this one


Ps I think UK employers would be impressed as well, if you later returned to the UK having done this under your own steam.

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The au pair route would seem to be the best to follow. Alternatively, seasonal work on camp sites etc, but that will do little for immersing you in real French life and language. For other work, you have to remember that France has very high unemployment, particularly outside the cities. The French stay in education for longer in general, with the final years geared to obtaining very specific vocational qualifications, so you are unlikely to even get a job serving in McDonalds without French qualifications because you will be competing with young French people with the right bits of paper. In rural areas, you will probably be reduced to something like cleaning or abattoir work, which many British find unacceptable. Beware too of the flourishing black market which employs, illegally, immigrant workers at well under than the SMIC (minimum wage).

Best of luck with whatever you decide.

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