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I am a 24 years old French woman, you can ask me questions about our culture, languages... etc but not about administratives things please, it is complicated even for french people!^^ Sorry for my english
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[quote user="NormanH"]A sister of Paulet no doubt...[:)]

Welcome Helène and don't be worried about our jokes....


Please be kind enough to explain this for me?  What exactly is the reference to Paulet and is it something that I should know already?

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Helène's surname is Blasquez.

WB joked about the similarity of the sound of this to 'Basquaise' , saying that she came from the Blasque (as opposed to Basque) country.

I compounded this by saying that she might be the sister of Paulet ( little Paul) Blasquez, referring of course to Poulet Basquaise.

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Merci, Norman.

Guess what, it's on the menu of a lunch I am attending on Thursday!

Could taste wonderful if all the ingredients are fresh though, as a rule, I am not mad keen on olives.

Sorry, Helene, you see.....the joking goes on and we are as bad (or as good) as the French on puns [:D]

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[quote user="Pierre ZFP"]Hi Helene, nice to have a younger person here

Not that any of the ladies on this forum are in any way old [:$]

So Mint, since we are explaining things, can you explain your signature line please?

I have never understood it


Here we go, Fighter Pilot, but do read till the compléments where it says you could use the phrase to mean the exact opposite[:P]



As for Teapot, look what you have done, Helene is nowhere to be found and it's you I blame for driving her away!

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If the comments haven't driven you away then could I just say, as a gentle piece of advice, that it is not a good idea to have put your full name and email address as your log-in name. You will have seen that very few of us even use our names!

You are leaving yourself very vulnerable to lots of emails from strangers.  If we want to ask you anything, or indeed ask anyone we just "post" in the relevant section and answers will be equally posted back. If anyone wants to email you they should do so through the site not direct.

Mrs h,

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[quote user="mint"]

Here we go, Fighter Pilot, but do read till the compléments where it says you could use the phrase to mean the exact opposite[:P]



Thanks for that but I'm not sure if I really get it.  I'll ask some tame French colleagues to explain it to me - Unless LN wants to jump in ?

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Pierre, let me try again to explain aux petits oignons.

It was originally a cookery term and refers to dishes that are elaborately and carefully prepared so you might well finish the dish with finely chopped onions.

As we are talking about the French here, this is unsurprising as many everyday figurative expressions are to do with cooking and eating.

So, if you have done something aux petits oignons, it means that you have done it carefully and well and the result is just so and meticulous.

However, you could also use the expression a bit tongue and cheek to mean the opposite, ironiquement, as the French might say.  In that case, and in mine, it implies that far from being careful, you have been slap dash and careless.

Edit:  arrggg had to edit my spelling of oignions, proof if proof were needed that the post was done pas exactement aux petits oignions![:$]

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[quote user="woolybanana"]LN, you asked for questions, so, here is one: are you one of those lucky French ladies who is rich, does not work and who spends time discussing the bottin mondain?[/quote]

Well... I have to confess that a lot of french women love to spend time discussing but not me! I'am not rich (I should play euromillion...) and I word!
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