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Second homes, a rumour, very worrying.

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I heard a rumour that Elvis is alive and living in Croydon. [;-)]


Seriously if my French was up to it and I had a second home in France I would have a search on the Internet unless of course the source of the rumour is very well known to you and has a proven track record of being right 99.9% of the time.


Meanwhile a google of "Du logement des réfugiés en résidences secondaires" brings up increasing taxe d'habitation from 20 to 40% in places like Nice but little else. Somebody else might do better at searching than my feeble attempt.

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Requisitioning holiday homes and second homes? About as much chance of that as of being handcuffed to a ghost. Can you even bear to think about how many civil servants that would be needed to implement such a scheme, plus the amount of rain forest to be cut down to service the paper work. Some one is pulling your plonker mate.[:D][:D]

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The mechanics are quite simple; the local communes would simply say how many second homes there are in their area, and the government will allocate refugees to the places, with local social support. Cheap, easy and maybe a vote getter?

Well, I certainly hope that someone is trying to wind me up as it does seem a bit idiotic, but then, with this government, nothing surprises.

Funny how Hollande cant dress, nor can Corbyn! Is it a prerequisite for leftie loopies?
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I haven't heard anything in the press or TV about this, and I suspect it is yet another rabid right rumour to inculcate fear and loathing of foreigners.

In any case it would seem fair enough to lodge those blocked in Calais who want to enter the UK in British-owned surplus accommodation until this Tory  Government does something about taking responsibility for them ...[6]

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I remember last year both The Guardian and the DM were having a rant about, unusually, the same thing, the number of massive, multi million pound mansions in and around London that were owned by Arabs as a way round paying tax and that most had not been lived in for years. Perhaps they could be turned over to these refugees. I mean as they are owned by arabs and many of the refugees are arabs you would think the owners would be happy to help out their own. While we are at it as the US in the main has bombed the shite out of these people while arming the oposition so they might like to send a few cruise ships over to pick up a few hundred thousand giving them asylum in America. I guess of course that won't happen so the US will yet again get away with killing innocent civilians leaving Europe to clean up the mess afterwards.
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I agree with Wooly, it would be dead easy to put in place........the only thing is that it would not be done with egalité as I imagine that if say the Maire's cousin had a house in the village and lived elsewhere....... this particular second home would somehow be exempt!

I posted about the extra taxes for second homes a week or two ago, as Cran Gevrier was on the news, maybe the Maire, who had decided not to start this tax, but Cran is not even a big town, it is only a small town, so apparently smaller places can inflict this tax on home owners.

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[quote user="Alan Zoff"]A lot of empty churches, too. A certain irony there.[/quote]


Tony Blairs a good Catholic as well as an ex special peace envoy to the middle east (that didn't go to well did it) and what with him and his wife being 'big' on the human rights stuff he could put a few up in his unused properties. On the other hand I see Bob Geldolf has offered to put a couple (literally) up in his two houses. Seen the size of his houses, he could take a couple of hundred.

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Its not a rumour, or at least it has some foundation, I've just returned from running a semi marathon with the 1ière adjoint and he said that the government is advising all the Mairies to start putting plans in place to be able to house refugee familys, its only a "be prepared" notification for the moment.

It will be no problem to house them in our commune as there are plenty of empty properties, I'm guessing that the l'état will pay in one way or another so financially it will benefit the commune.

I think there will be huge benefits in other ways, far better that these families are dispersed and integrated than creating another Sangatte ghetto, on a humanitarian and economic note where I live would be indescribably better had there been a vague of Ugandan Asian refugees arrive in the 1970's, we would now have a vibrant thriving economy instead of a dead town where no-one wants to work or create prosperity and employment.

I never forget who was willing to work on Sundays and shoulder the abuse and discrimination in order to better the prospects for their children, the very people who are now the movers and shakers in a dynamic economy. 

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[quote user="NormanH"]Putting plans in place is necessary, but that is not automatically the same thing as requisitioning résidences secondaire from unwilling British owners.

On the other hand if you want to help in a concrete way:



So it's only British second home owners they are after then?

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Wrong verb WB  it's peloter[:)] you were looking for..

Just surmising of course.

It would be poetic justice wouldn't it if it happened, given Camewrong's refusal to share the burden on British soil


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 And the Vatican has said that they will take TWO FAMILIES!

Want the monasteries, etc to take in families too.

Now a question, do I start making up a full burkha now in preparation for the worst to come within ten years, or not? Very very serious about this, when I was looking at the gov.uk web site it wanted comments about introducing sharia law.... and when we get all these refugees, who I would hazard a guess are in majority of the muslim faith, they will surely insist on this, because I have heard officials say that we 'cannot' upset the the ethnic minorities. I'm just wondering where it will all stop. Men ofcourse will be OK, what with the male bias, but us women, well, I find all this frightening for the future.

How different pre WW11. The refugees did not 'change' our society, rather, I would say, enriched it, there again, no matter the 'religion' these people were europeans and our basic values I suppose along very similar lines.

When it boils down to it, IF religion was out of the equation, my thoughts about all of this would be very different. All religions frighten me.

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I understood the majority of Syrian refugees were non Muslim, which is why they are persecuted, tortured, raped and forced to flee by Islamic state. From what I've read of the fundamentals of Islam, they are pretty similar to Christianity.. not that I'm an expert on either. Of course there are extreme factions in all religions. When I hear some of the right wing tea pot party in the USA going on about their version of God, I don't hear anything that different from the extremist Muslims. Weren't many of the refugees during WWII Jewish? I know that Judaism is more than just a religion, but never the less their cultures and customs were different to those in the countries that they ended up in.

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I know we are getting a bit off subject although I guess it was only a matter of time before this discussion started to take place here but I would like to know how any EU country is going to protect us against members of ISIS sneaking in under the pretence of being a refugee? I actually agree with Cameron on the way he is going to deal with this. I know he was a bit slow off the starting grid compared to Germany etc but checking people out in the camps and then letting them travel to the UK as refugees on proper transport must be better than how it is going at the moment. When those at Calais see/hear this happening they might then understand they don't stand a chance of getting into the UK and go to Germany instead. I do love the DM reader comments mind, complaining about no border controls and how all these people are getting into the UK. They don't seem to understand that the reason we have these people at Calais is because we do have border controls in the UK and they can't get through them.
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Thats funny because I have not noticed anything on the French side that is actually working. Loads of little custom sheds but nobody there because the French don't give a toss. Thats why we have British customs on the French side to stop people leaving France for the UK who shouldn't be going there. Anyway it is pedantic but it does stop a lot of illegal immigrants trying to get into the UK. The problem the Brits have is many are so stupid they cannot tell the difference between an EU migrant,  non EU immigrant and a refugee. The irony of it is many Brits believe the UK always does what the EU tells it to yet the UK refused to accept the right to live and work in an EU country into it's own legislation. Had it done so then those EU migrants with no jobs would be legally thrown out as per EU legislation.



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