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Propaganda at Public expense


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I don't think anyone claims to have a simple solution to the problems in the Middle East and Africa that are leading to the massive numbers of people fleeing to Europe.

On the other hand the Maire of Béziers seems to me to have overstepped the mark in the most recent inflammatory edition of our local journal. In many towns one exists, paid for of course by the taxpayers, but our Maire, an failed ex-journalist close to the FN uses our magazine not to announce  local events but as a propaganda tool:


the whole journal can be seen online here:


Even those who have reservations about accepting refugees must see that as an attempt to whip up negative emotions rather than making a case.

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Nothing much new there Norman. I'm afraid that's how it works around here too.

We get a string of publications shoved into our letterbox, produced at public expense, 90% blatant propaganda, from our Mairie, our Region, and, more recently, from our newly formed "Agglo".

Doesn't seem to bother any of our neighbours. Maybe they are just used to their opinions being preformed and spoon-fed, like the proverbial mushrooms, but who am I to criticise them?

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