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Clocks tonight!


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Clair, I was wondering if you'd be here to remind us about the clocks changing and, of course you are!  Regular as clockwork......[:$]

Hope all is well chez toi?

And thank you for your august presence[:P]  Some of us miss you sorely...........really, truly, deeply.........

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Sweet of you to remember :)

All is well here, thank you :)

Now you've reminded me of that film and I have to see if I can find it!

I'm using Chrome and there's no funny faces available, so just magine a kissy kiss *here* (and a wink!)
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Me too Clair and I'm glad that you clocked on, or should that be clocked back [:-))][kiss]

When we change the clocks back from 3 to 2 when it gets to 3 again do we have to change them back to 2 and when it gets to 3 again etc.???

It could be a VERY long knight me-thinks [8-)][8-)]

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