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House sale, can anyone just remind me, please

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The foncière is normally divided pro-rata. It would seems a tad unfair for you to have to pay all of it in Oct/Nov after having completed in February.

You still have to pay all the taxe d'hab unless you can persuade the new purchasers to cough up a part. Not a hope in hell of that happening if the buyers are French.


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No one makes anyone do this pro rata, that is a choice and not an obligation.

Still, it is usual for the fonciere to be shared, not the taxe d'habitation. Also the taxe d'hab is down to personal circumstances, rather than a 'fixed' taxe.

wooly should not get either bill at the end of 2016, they should go to the people who were living in his 'new' place on the 1st of January 2016.

I have looked this up and it is straightforward. I googled on google france

'je déménage qui paye les taxes d'habitation et foncieres'

Here is one of the links:


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[quote user="idun"]No one makes anyone do this pro rata, that is a choice and not an obligation.




True regarding taxe d'hab which is all your link talks of, also it is written more for renting than owner occupying as renters never get involved with taxes foncières, the notaire will apportion the taxes foncieres between the seller and buyer, its his job to do so and neither party has any choice in the matter. 

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[quote user="Chancer"]

[quote user="idun"]No one makes anyone do this pro rata, that is a choice and not an obligation.




True regarding taxe d'hab which is all your link talks of, also it is written more for renting than owner occupying as renters never get involved with taxes foncières, the notaire will apportion the taxes foncieres between the seller and buyer, its his job to do so and neither party has any choice in the matter.

And the taxe fonciere..... just who can 'make' anyone pay for that year??? The money is not owed by the buyer who buys during the year. And the bill is based on the bill for the previous year anyway and not that year. As it says below, 'almost' systematically it is done pro rata.  And 'almost' does not mean, 'always'. Frankly IF I ever bought in France again, I would state that I would not be paying a bill that I was not due to pay.


En cas de vente, qui paie la taxe


La taxe foncière est due par le propriétaire de l'appartement ou

de la maison au 1er janvier de l'année d'imposition, soit le 1er

janvier 2015 pour la taxe foncière 2015. Cet impôt local est payé

à l'automne (voir les dates

de réception et de paiement de la taxe foncière

Quand le bien est vendu en cours d'année, le nouveau propriétaire

ne paiera donc la taxe foncière que l'année suivante. Mais presque

systématiquement, les contrats de vente prévoient maintenant une

répartition prorata

de la taxe foncière déjà due.

En clair, si vous signez le 1er juillet, vous paierez au vendeur

la moitié de la taxe qu'il paiera à l'automne. Cela étant, rien

n'empêche de négocier cette répartition avant de conclure la


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I see you are right Idun, usefull info to know, if ever I am in that position I would do the same even if I knew well the seller, I would agree to pay him seperately to the notarial process and really enjoy seeing the notaire get in a flap because I would not toe the line like 99.9999% of the other sheep.


Mais presque systématiquement, les contrats de vente prévoient maintenant une répartition prorata temporis de la taxe foncière déjà due.

En clair, si vous signez le 1er juillet, vous paierez au vendeur la moitié de la taxe qu'il paiera à l'automne. Cela étant, rien n'empêche de négocier cette répartition avant de conclure la vente...


I just love the reaction that my "being different" engenders in officials [:D]


Not knowing any different I paid the repartition, well it was just added to my bill, a bit of a cheek really considering the old owner had not paid any bills for at least a decade, more fool me!

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When we sold our house I was quite prepared to pay for the full year, as we had paid monthly and we sold our house at the end of July (I think). So only had 3 more payments to make anyway.

Anyway, without mentioning it, along with a boat load of other things that were serious, the notaire decided to get the rest of the year's fonciere from the buyers. The notaire asked for our bill from the previous year and was using that to work the figures out. AND they did it wrong, because I can do sums and the figure was wrong. So I called and got them to do it properly, meaning 'we' would get more.

I decided that IF the buyers had said they didn't want to pay, that was fair enough, but if they were in agreement, then they were going to pay the 'proper' amount.

The taxe d'hab was quite another story though, quite bizarre and never quite resolved, well maybe it is now, as time can take care of things.

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