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Disposal of batteries


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Our déchetterie has stopped taking vehicle batteries and I have a couple

of leisure and a couple of old Tractor batteries, were do I take them

for disposal. I did ask the lady (sergeant major) who runs our local tip

in my far from perfect French, but the torrent of words I got in

return, did not allow me time to understand what she said. So I'd be

obliged if any of you had any idea what I should do with them.[B] No rude suggestions please

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take them to

  • à un garagiste ;
  • à un revendeur de pièces automobiles ; (spare parts dealer)

  • dans une grande surface (si elle vend des batteries).

Depuis 2001, ils ont l'obligation d'organiser le recyclage des

batteries, en reprenant votre batterie usagée, sans obligation d'achat

de votre part.

These have to take them for recycling with o obligation on your side to buy anything

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Our Marie is only open Tuesdays Idun, but I will ask.

WoolyB. We have a river bank Le Loir at the end of the garden, but my grandchildren would be angry with me if I spoilt their fishing. [:D]

Norman thanks for the link and translation, looks like that is the answer.[B]

Dave also many thanks We do have a scrappy about twenty miles away I'll investigate .

Once again thanks everybody

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