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House Insurance


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We have recently been talking to our Broker regarding our cover and am rather disturbed. I know our contents cover is OK for everything in the house but if I took my camera out, or went out wearing jewellery and lost it, I'm not covered!!! Does anybody know of a Company that does 'All risk'??  When we originally took the policy out I had to have all my jewellery valued and photographed, not just a case of things over a certain value, the lot!!

I have also found out that under the car insurance there is contents cover up to a value of 420 Euros but this doesn't cover valuables, so if we go on holiday in the car we have cover for our clothes (up to 420 Euros) but that seems about it.........we always take cameras and I take my laptop.

Have looked at my sons car insurance and he has no contents cover at all!!



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On the face of it our policy with AXA (through our bank, BNP) covers goods and valuables up to a certain value temporarily removed from the house.  However, given what others have said about the reluctance of insurance companies to pay up, I don't put much faith in this promise.

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Just re-read the original post - missed the bit about "loss" - our policy also excludes accidental loss, as Nick says.  I think accidental damage and loss are always excluded on the principle that if it's your own fault why should the insurer cough up.  But we are covered by the house contents insurance for loss due to THEFT of goods and valuables that we take away, e.g. on holiday.

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Re cover of valuables temporarly removed from the home ......my house insurer Generali would cover such things if you are robbed.....or if you have an accident ....are taken ill ..then lose your personal effects due to passing out while in the public thoroughfare.and they are left behind when  you are carted off to hospital ....You are even covered if you go to Monaco and get robbed there...but ..leave your bag in a restaurant and lose your camera if it has vanished by the time you go back for it ...tough.... thats down to you !   I think you will find it hard  to find a French insurer who will cover you on your house and contents policy for items lost while you carry them about...cameras  lap -tops and the like . My insurance is a lot less than the cost of similar cover in the UK..... I am pleased to find ..perhaps thats because there is less opportunity for fraudulent claims .                        
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We are also covered with Generali and have a documents in English called 'Your Householders Comprehensice Insurance#. In the section - Your Personal Property Coverage- there is on section on Travel-Short Term Stays and it states:-

What we insure

1. When it has been taken out, coverage against Fire and similar Events, Weather-related Events, Water Damage, Theft - Vandalsim: damage to moveable property and Natural Disasters applies to cover material damage* to furniture that is taken:

* on a trip from the place of insurance to the place of visit and back

* on a stay stay that lasts less than three months in a place of residence, which may be a house, a hotel or any other short-term dwelling, of which you are not the owner.

This coverage is world-wide in the event of short-term travel and stays of less than 3 months.

The Broker is telling mr that we are not covered for items in the car, so am going over to see them this week.


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