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New Energy Laws

megans mum

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Hi All

We signed our compromis de vente in September 2006 and are to signthe acte de vente on the 16th of December 2006. However we have been reading about the new energy rules and regs now relating to house purchases and was wondering were we stand on this?

Because we signed the compromis de vents before this act came out are we exempt or will it apply to us?


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The seller has to pay for a energy survey which gives the house a rating simular to electrical appliances i.e. A, B, C, D, E, and F. These surveys don't come cheap according to the news paper I read (DePeche) and the older the house the more it costs because it takes longer to do. Not having had one or known anyone who has one of yet I don't know if any of this is true, the French papers are as reliable as the English ones at times. I do know that it effects new houses as a friend has had his stopped to improve the wall and ceiling insulation which was under rated on the plans (personally I have never seen this shown on plans but there you go) but then this may be just a ploy by the lazy builders to delay the job.
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I have had a couple of clients/friends who have had the new energy surveys carried out. They came into force on 1st November. The cost was about 200 euros and most are being done by the same companied that carry out the lead/asbestos/termite surveys.At the present time the survey is advisory only (no action required).
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We signed the Compris for the house that we are buying on the 3 November. That required an energy survey and rated it, as has been said on the A - F band and also calculated the amount of greenhouse gas produced and recommendations - which in our case was to increase the amount of lagging in the roof.

The agent did say to us it was only advisory and was not something on which you could withdraw from the sale. However, given that the buyer has 7 days cooling off period from signing then a buyer could withdraw on the basis of the survey.

If I was sceptical might think that this could lead to a green tax - i.e. the more efficient the house the less tax.


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[quote user="P"]

We signed the Compris for the house that we are buying on the 3 November. That required an energy survey and rated it, as has been said on the A - F band and also calculated the amount of greenhouse gas produced and recommendations - which in our case was to increase the amount of lagging in the roof.

The agent did say to us it was only advisory and was not something on which you could withdraw from the sale. However, given that the buyer has 7 days cooling off period from signing then a buyer could withdraw on the basis of the survey.

If I was sceptical might think that this could lead to a green tax - i.e. the more efficient the house the less tax.



But the survey would be done after signature of the CdeV, surely?


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[quote user="Blitzen"]The light bulbs left in our house were all 100watts!!  Needless to say we've replaced them all with energy saving ones!  [:P]

Never could see the point, I don't like the light from them things. I don't mind paying my bill, i'm not skint so if I want to burn more electricity then its up to me, I pay for it after all and it's nuclear here in France so theres no green house gas's to upset anyone.

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[quote user="nicktrollope"][quote user="P"]

We signed the Compris for the house that we are buying on the 3 November. That required an energy survey and rated it, as has been said on the A - F band and also calculated the amount of greenhouse gas produced and recommendations - which in our case was to increase the amount of lagging in the roof.

The agent did say to us it was only advisory and was not something on which you could withdraw from the sale. However, given that the buyer has 7 days cooling off period from signing then a buyer could withdraw on the basis of the survey.

If I was sceptical might think that this could lead to a green tax - i.e. the more efficient the house the less tax.



But the survey would be done after signature of the CdeV, surely?

No Nick, it was done before the signing of the CdeV - could be that as it is so new it was done the other way round - might explain th agents comment.



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