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Macron / Le Pen


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Whoever wins is going to have their job cut out to do anything that they promise. The legislative elections in June will be the test. MLP is no longer the leader of the FN but even if they win more seats in parliament, she will need to form some sort of coalition to do anything. Same could be said for Macron. I think Macron will be more successful in forming alliances..most politicians will refuse to work with Le Pen.
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"bit of a PR disaster", really?  For having something to eat in a resto after a long day and a long evening, making speeches, giving interviews, etc?

What's this you are recommending?  The politics not only of envy but of self-flagellation?

And please don't compare Sarko with Macron.  AFAIK, Macron doesn't go on yatching trips with dodgy bling, bling types.

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There are a lot of people who want to paint Macron in a disagreeable light, besides the MLP voters, mainly those who disliked Sarko's bling, but not forgetting the ultra Cathos too.

Particularly the snidy and bankrupt Socialists who blame him for stealing the election from them will take every opportunity to stick the knife in.

They have not forgiven him for having worked in banking which is anathema to their little minds and for not being 'one of them'. And because he had broken their comfy little rice bowls which, since the ban on the cumul des mandats may get a little emptier.

So, he has them all at him really, except Beyrou who is an attention seeking git of dubious abilities, IMNVHO.

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