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The new government

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Macron has gambled on a new approach to government by bringing in new faces who are, as Norman says, experts in their fields, untainted by old political values. But, will they be able to cope with the administrations and dominate them or will the fonctionnaires just take them over? Nor is there any guarantee that someone who has gold medals for fencing will ever be a good minister. We wait to see.

There seem to be few or no faces from the old Left who are busy licking their wounds anyway. But, by choosing a moderate right wing prime minister, close to Juppe, he has effectively split the Right.

And his finance minister is a right winger who has been expelled from the Republicans for changing sides, Bruno LeMaire. He could yet turn out to be macron's Cassius!

His Ecology minister and number 3 in the pecking order is Mr Hulot (yes, he of the pipe and bicycle!) who is a respected ecologist who has always refused to serve in governments. He is there to see through change, sort out the environment, probably help ease out nuclear, though it will take a heck of a long time. A bit too fanatical for my taste.

Oh, and he has 50/50 ladies and gentlemen in his team, though I feel sad that there is not a LGBT element!!
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[quote user="alittlebitfrench"]Why do I need to read a Guardian article to know about what is happening in France ?

Just asking.[/quote]

A French paper then


Just suggesting. [blink]

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[quote user="NormanH"]http://www.lemonde.fr/politique/article/2017/05/17/le-gouvernement-d-edouard-philippe-nomme_5129160_823448.html

Tip for ALBF: you could try Google translate to read it..


Norman, it is just a list a list of names. What is there to translate ?? lol

This was more interesting I found on your little site:


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[quote user="alittlebitfrench"]Jonzjob, 'the local' is not French lol.[/quote]

The Local is an English-language digital news publisher with local editions in Sweden, Germany, France, Spain, Switzerland, Norway, Denmark, Austria and Italy. Each site, while alike in appearance, has separate editorial teams, each focused on its respective market.

Coverage is purely domestic in each country, and includes current

events, politics, business, sports and culture, as well as analysis and


It's imternational, but the French bit is French by the looks of it..

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Il s’agit, dans tous les cas, d’hommes et de femmes – dont la parité au

moins numérique est respectée – ayant acquis dans le domaine qui leur

est confié une solide expérience professionnelle. Une éditrice de renom à

la culture, un ancien recteur à l’éducation nationale, une présidente d’université à l’enseignement supérieur, une professeure de médecine réputée à la santé, la patronne de la RATP aux transports, une ancienne DRH au travail,

une championne olympique aux sports : ce gouvernement se veut celui des

« meilleurs », dotés d’une vision entrepreneuriale et rompus à la

culture du résultat.

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[quote user="NormanH"]Il s’agit, dans tous les cas, d’hommes et de femmes – dont la parité au

moins numérique est respectée – ayant acquis dans le domaine qui leur

est confié une solide expérience professionnelle. Une éditrice de renom à

la culture, un ancien recteur à l’éducation nationale, une présidente d’université à l’enseignement supérieur, une professeure de médecine réputée à la santé, la patronne de la RATP aux transports, une ancienne DRH au travail,

une championne olympique aux sports : ce gouvernement se veut celui des

« meilleurs », dotés d’une vision entrepreneuriale et rompus à la

culture du résultat.


Sounds a bit like a challenging team for Eggheads.[:D]

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