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One for albf

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I thought of albf last week when a couple from Paris came to look at our house - (we're half-heartedly trying to sell it, don't really want to.)

The house is isolated, surrounded by beautiful scenery, view of Pyrenees etc. They seemed to love the place, were looking round for over an hour. They made an offer, but it was a bit too low so we dropped our price a bit and now are waiting to hear. I'm not optimistic though, there are so many other similar places for sale.

But this couple were planning to live here full-time, so some toonies in France are similar to those in England (Londoners anyway.) Longing to get away from the rat race.

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There are crowds of property- poor Parisien baby-boomers (because they rented or were in a logement de fonction) who are looking to buy or rent in the South in their retirement.

I lunch regularly with some of them who have even discovered Béziers!

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You are leaving us Patf ?

The trouble is, the townies (French or British) think it is a good idea to move rural and breed chickens but they really don't know what they are letting themselves into moving to such an environment. It works for some but I bet for most it does not. I saw it when I grew up in rural Wiltshire when the Londoners started to arrive.

You have to be born and bred in the country/rural (like me) to survive. You either have it, or you don't.

The numbties from London will get eaten alive in rural France.
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No it's Yorkshire Dales, which enjoys a similar situation of:

them as cums off from t'city buys up t'village and then are just there for th'weekends.

Edit: Google translate probably won't work, but I can do a translation if you need it.
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I wasn't talking about rural France which seems to be an obsession with albf.

I  said 'the South'. That includes a number of urban areas, agglos etc.

I  mentioned Béziers, but any of the towns not far from the coast are seeing the same pĥenomenon

Si Toulouse (453 300 habitants) devance Montpellier (268 500),cette

dernière progresse plus vite (+1,1 %par an / 0,6 %). Ce sont les grandes

villes de France les plus en croissance depuis... 50 ans : 2 900

habitants par an pour Montpellier et 2 800 pour Toulouse. Les suivent

Nîmes (146 700 habitants), Perpignan (120 500), Béziers (73 000),

Montauban (56 900), Narbonne (51 900) et Albi (49 200Si Toulouse (453 300 habitants) devance Montpellier (268 500),cette

dernière progresse plus vite (+1,1 %par an / 0,6 %). Ce sont les grandes

villes de France les plus en croissance depuis... 50 ans : 2 900

habitants par an pour Montpellier et 2 800 pour Toulouse. Les suivent

Nîmes (146 700 habitants), Perpignan (120 500), Béziers (73 000),

Montauban (56 900), Narbonne (51 900) et Albi (49 200


(+ 1,1 %) et Midi-Pyrénées (+ 0,8 %) enregistrent les croissances de

population les plus hautes de France, après la Corse. L’ensemble a gagné

51 100 habitants par an (27 900 en Languedoc-Roussillon) entre 2007 et



et le Tarn-et-Garonne affichent un taux de croissance “ record ” :

+1,3 % par an de 2007 à 2012. La Haute-Garonne est tout près, avec 1,2

%. Le Gard gagne 1 % par an, l’Aude et les Pyrénées-Orientales 0,9 %.

Aucun des 13 départements n’a perdu d’habitants sur la période (les

autres se situent entre 0 et 0,6 %).

Source: http://www.languedocroussillon.fr/272-la-demographie.htm

Perhaps a little too much fact for albf?

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