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Inheritance law for single people


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I can't find anything (and I have looked, honest!) about the position of someone like me, who is divorced, has no children, no parents living, and the nearest relatives are first cousins, none of whom need or want my property, even if I intended leaving it to them. How would I dispose of my assets? I have a UK will in which the benfeiciaries are charities - can I do this under French law once I'm living in France?
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I am not single but like you,  we have no blood relatives in the sense that French law sees them.  We had no problems leaving money to charities in France, don't know about the UK.  Money left to non-relatives is also easy, although they get heavily taxed.  Best thing is to talk to a Notaire.
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Thanks, cooperlola. The prospect of the State grabbing my meagre legacy had been bothering me. I want to leave money (if there's any left, of course!) to two particular UK charities - does anyone think that would be a problem? (i.e my executors would sell my property in France and divvie up the proceeds between the charities). And can I have British executors of a French will, or does the notaire do it all? Gosh -  more to think about! I'll happily consult a notaire, but there aren't any in the Welsh Valleys, as far as I know - hence the appeal to you guys. Before I move to France I'd like as much info as possible - imagine if I went under a bus the day after I moved, before I could sort out a French will!
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