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Powers of the Maire


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Depending on where you are they may be responsible to the head of the canton - maire of the head town in the area - but ultimately they will be responsible to the Conseil General for your department.

All I would say is tread very, very carefully. These are elected positions and the maires are generally held in high esteem - even by those who hate the individuals with a vengeance.

Perhaps there is another way, if you are prepared to share your grievance.
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Mayors do upset people, it goes with the job because people want different things and they can't please everyone. Before you start getting third parties involved you want to establish how much support you would have in the commune, because if you start anything it will be talked about and people will take sides. Don't forget that most of them voted for him or he wouldn't be in office, and no doubt they will have had their ups and downs with him over the years but he's still "their" mayor.
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At this point in time we have seen a mediator at the Prefecture, who has written to the Maire. The story is too long to go into detail, but I just wanted to know whether they had to answer to anyone or, as I suspected, they are a supreme power. As the issue has been on-going for 4 years now, I don’t want to drag it out even longer.
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AFAIK they don't answer to anyone as such but they do have to make sure that national and local laws are adhered to which obviously cover a lot of areas, and they have specific responsibilities. If they don't observe the law or they don't meet their responsibilities then they are answerable in that sense. Beyond that, a lot is left up to their judgement. If no laws are being broken or going unobserved in the commune, and they are not turning a blind eye to problems, but are just making poor decisions and not running the commune well, all you can do is not elect them again. Some mayors are better than others. In some communes nobody wants to be mayor but someone has to be.
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Indeed. A Maire or two ago here was ‘unfrocked’ over some dodgy tax arrangements which advantaged his brother, who BTW was / remains the major employer in the area.

It created a hell of a fuss here, with the old ‘clan’ disputes surfacing. Only now, after 7 or 8 years, is it beginning to subside, although I doubt that it has been forgotten by the two sides.

Tread carefully.

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Another point that might or might not be relevant here is that some decisions are taken by the conseil municipal after discussion, which might in practice come down to the same thing as the mayor making the decision but technically it means he can't be held personally responsible for a collective decision.
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I'm not sure that it's correct that the people in the commune vote for the Maire. I thought it was the 'village council' who choose one of theirs. And they're volunteers, rather than elected representatives. Maybe that's just in the small communes like ours.

Talking to a few locals, it was difficult to find someone to be Maire last time. A complicated thankless job, rules and laws constantly changing.

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Our commune is only around 260 souls but every one of the council representatives is elected.

Maybe your council has fewer candidates than places available.

But yes the maire is selected by the councillors - in our case nominally since they chose the person with the highest number of votes in the election.
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