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What happened to.....


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A real shame but somehow inevitable, the only interesting thread that brought back some absent posters to contribute and now its lost, it should have been editted not removed, I said to the OP I would give my experience this week after the weekend rush, too late now and almost certainly a new member lost and some ex contributors remaining ex.
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I can understand Hoddy’s reasons for zapping the thread, but it was a pity.

It was a perfectly reasonable question from the OP and some ‘late lamented’ posters contributed positively & tant mieux. Lets hope that it doesn’t stop ‘C’ & ‘Q’ contributing as & when.

Lamentable that others felt the need to drag up unnecessary & probably irrelevent history.

Those of us who followed the thread will doubtless have formed their own views over the spat. Trust (genuinely) that the OP got most of what he needed.

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It's rather unkind to people who spend their time thinking about questions and giving up their time to answer them, thinking that the information will still be available for others to read in the future.

I'm sorry it wasn't possible to edit out the posts objected to, and leave the valid information there for others in the future.

(Edited to remove hasty remarks)

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I missed the spats, but yes, it was good to have a proper, informed discussion on a relevant subject, until those who shall remain nameless decided to put their oar in.  Maybe they want the forum to fold completely, which would be a shame as it has helped me and countless others in the past.  And still does, on occasion.

May not be posting myself regularly for a little while, off on hols soon, when I hope to have better things to do ;) temporarily.

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I have it on good authority that the OP was not a new contributor but one who likes creating multiple identities hidden behind IP addresses from other countries, in this case talking to himself.


If it was indeed the case I can see why the whole thread was removed and I retract my comment about its removal. It achieved its aim of winding people up and in this case opening old wounds, it brought a couple of self exiled posters back who only wanted to help but once bitten twice shy, this one certainly wont be returning again for any new posters.

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[quote user="Chancer"]

I have it on good authority that the OP was not a new contributor but one who likes creating multiple identities hidden behind IP addresses from other countries, in this case talking to himself.


If it was indeed the case I can see why the whole thread was removed and I retract my comment about its removal. It achieved its aim of winding people up and in this case opening old wounds, it brought a couple of self exiled posters back who only wanted to help but once bitten twice shy, this one certainly wont be returning again for any new posters.


Well spill the beans then. Who ? Ok you can PM if you like.

Was it Leven ? Aka your best friends. I can't think who else it would be.

I have my suspicions on the 'student insurance' thread. That was dead sus. !!!! Besancon Lol.

I think you are being had Chancer if I may be so bold in telling you. ?

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The lack of required moderation, apart from the occasional dust-up, is what I believe keeps this site ticking along.

Whilst not a prolific contributor I have been lurking around these parts since 2002 and I've seen them come and I've seen them go and I guess some were never missed. Then I don't suppose I would be with my minimalist posting history over 16 years! I do believe the mods generally  appear to have done a sound job, wherever / whoever they are, and tend to usually allow a good amount of slack.

The moderating, on some of the boards, on a financial site I frequent is conducted with a rod of steel but then they are only implementing the site owners t&c and rules.
Anyway the light touch moding appears to work here so more power to the contributors  for making it thus and I wonder if I will still be lurking in another 16 years when I'm completely gah gah?
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Chancer said : "I have it on good authority....."

ALBF says "Well spill the beans then. Who ? Ok you can PM if you like."

This is probably the problem. I believe that the moderator Hoddy is trying to be fair both for and against me but there seems to be too much going on "behind the scenes".

I still await confirmation that confidentiality on this board is maintained which is definitely in the legal realm of the owners.

I would argue that strong control on threads is a necessity.
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WB Ok I take your point but dont you get annoyed when somebody makes it quite clear that you are not part of the "in" crowd on this forum. In terms of sterility then Nomoss seems to be a poster who can get his point across without offending (too much anyway).

NB I accept your interesting nicknames ( though I actually hate the name Dick) but from others (who do it out of malice) I find it pathetic and nasty especially if they dont know me.

Nb I am not part of the "in" crowd and would be quite worried if I was.
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Oh I do believe in anonymity on here.

And, policing it, well when the mods started, it was apparently a barring offence to criticize the mods, maybe still is?

My problem was that I found some of the policing unfair/wrong, do I want to go back to 'then' NEVER!!

I realise that we will all have our own point of view, heck, I lived in France that long, that I know how diverse STRONG points of view can be, so that is ok... and after big spats a table in France, everyone would finish by bises, handshakes etc.

The only person, one night at MY table, who didn't forgive alternative points of view was, would you believe a Brit who had been in France for years....and should have known better! Was furious that everyone else, us and a few French friends kept to our own points of view. Ruined a perfectly decent evening.

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"NB I accept your interesting nicknames ( though I actually hate the name Dick) but from others (who do it out of malice) I find it pathetic and nasty especially if they dont know me. "

Followed swiftly by

Goodness, Idun, the idea of bises with Queenie is quite bizarre.

Always with the "do as I say, not as I do", Dicky.
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Who is the in crowd. I have never met anyone from this board.

What I can only say is that there are some posters I have become very fond of, others I am neutral about and some I don't like. This is all without meeting a soul, I cannot help but like some people's style and be really turned off by others.

And I do not always agree with those I like and they don't always agree with me, which is how it should be.

I feel fairly neutrally towards you Richard51, but do find you prickly and you seem to want lines drawn, which are far too strict for my taste. Just feels like you are flogging a dead horse a lot of the time.... but there you go, that seems to be your nature and I accept that.

Ps Who is Queenie??

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