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C de S, an eventful morning

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Finally went over to Arras to get the Ce de S. All planned, up early, set off bang on time, bitter cold, climbing the hills out of the valley, the car starts playing up; would not gain speed, seeming to miss as if there was a fuel blockage. Eventually stalled, making a funny whirring noise, but got it going again, turned round and somewhat jerkily headed home to get the other car (my partner was staying fortunately) who gallantly drove.

Got to Arras somewhat tense as I do like to be on,time, a tad late for my appointment; would they make me wait, send me away..., not a bit of it, big smile, jump into the front of the queue, paperwork exchanged for card and away. Arras is so used to foreigners that they just get on with it with a smile.

Anyway, got back, ran car about, still playing up, so off to garage. Diagnostic check suggests that some filters were blocked with muck from the supermarket petrol pumps, particularly water which is in the diesel. So back this pm to get new filters and a good clean.

But what were the odds on the car playing up on that day of all days. Was it saying something to me, was Bobo messaging his humble servant?
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Er.......no, Bobo's given up social media!

Robert Browning (1812-1889)

        from Pippa Passes

    The year's at the spring

    And day's at the morn;

    Morning's at seven;

    The hillside's dew-pearled;

    The lark's on the wing;

    The snail's on the thorn:

    God's in His heaven—

    All's right with the world!


See, no reason to be interfering with our pathetic little lives[:D]

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