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Carte de sejour

St Bernard

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I understand that as a Brit I no longer need to apply for a Carte de Sejour but as I have one which was issued when they were required, are there any issues as to what to do when it comes up for renewal. I wish to avoid Monsieur Plod appearing on my doorstep for contravening some wonderful administrative rule.

Jan Laury


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As you come from one of the main EU member states, you don't need one any longer. But a lot of us got them before the requirement was dropped, and my understanding is that when the carte expires we will not need to renew it. But you can have one if you wish, at least according to the law, though many prefectures will deny that. I find mine much more convenient than carrying a passport and proof of address (which you are supposed to do if you don't have an official photo identity card - though some find the UK photo driving licence is accepted in some places). Also it has proved useful when dealing with officialdom.

Personally I would like to see some form of titre de sejour reintroduced, if only to make those who come to France with no means of support think twice.

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My husband's is out of date and we only realised when he had to show proof of ID for something important. In theory he should have had his passport with him as ID.

Our son has lost his and they don't want to issue another one and wouldn't even take a 'declaration de perte' either, soit at the gendarmerie or the mairie. I  would have thought that they would have taken the loss of official french ID cards more seriously than that.

I think if we were staying I would ask for new ones as mine expires soon too as it is we won't.



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I have a vague recollection from somewhere on this forum of the details of the EU reference that says that anyone can still get a tirte de sejour if they want one and it can not be refused. Can anyone else remember this.

We have, correction, Frances has always carried our passports around and I have a copy of the details from my passport in my wallet, but it would be far easier if we had the ID card. If our passports are lost it would be a major problem as all know!!!

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Here's the link to the French law (not EU as far as I know) which made CdS unnecessary for EU nationals. http://www.legifrance.gouv.fr/WAspad/UnTexteDeJorf?numjo=INTX0300040L

 The important article for EU nationals is art 14 which I've copied here.

Les deux premiers alinéas de l'article 9-1 de l'ordonnance n° 45-2658 du 2 novembre 1945 précitée sont remplacés par trois alinéas ainsi rédigés :

« Les ressortissants des Etats membres de l'Union européenne, d'un autre Etat partie à l'accord sur l'Espace économique européen ou de la Confédération helvétique qui souhaitent établir en France leur résidence habituelle ne sont pas tenus de détenir un titre de séjour.

« S'ils en font la demande, il leur est délivré, dans des conditions précisées par décret en Conseil d'Etat, un titre de séjour, sous réserve d'absence de menace pour l'ordre public.

« Toutefois, demeurent soumis à la détention d'un titre de séjour durant le temps de validité des mesures transitoires éventuellement prévues en la matière par le traité d'adhésion du pays dont ils sont ressortissants, et sauf si ce traité en stipule autrement, les ressortissants des Etats membres de l'Union européenne qui souhaitent exercer en France une activité économique. »


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