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Language requirements for those over 60 seeking nationality


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Anyone who falls into this category may already know, but for anyone who doesn't, those over 60 applying for French nationality after 1st April 2020 will no longer be exempt from the language exams. After 1st April these will comprise of an oral AND written component.

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Yes, my interview lasted almost 1.5 hours and I was talking for about 2/3 of that time. Not convinced that B1 level would have cut it.

There was a décret that crept out at the very end of last year : Décret n° 2019-1507 du 30 décembre 2019 publié au JORF n°0303 du 31 décembre 2019. https://www.legifrance.gouv.fr/affichTexte.do?cidTexte=JORFTEXT000039696962&fastPos=1&fastReqId=1725525361&categorieLien=id&oldAction=rechTexte

Relevant quotes:

(1) rehaussement du niveau de langue exigé pour les personnes souhaitant acquérir la nationalité française par naturalisation ...

(2) le décret entre en vigueur au 1er janvier 2020, à l'exception des dispositions relatives au rehaussement du niveau de langue, qui entrent en vigueur au 1er avril 2020.

(3) Il modifie les articles 14 et 37 du décret du 30 décembre 1993, afin de rehausser, au niveau B1 tant oral qu'écrit, le niveau de langue exigé des personnes souhaitant acquérir la nationalité française par naturalisation, ... Il supprime également les dispenses autres que celles prévues par la loi (...) pour ne laisser subsister qu'une seule dispense pour les personnes dont l'état de santé déficient chronique ou le handicap rend toute évaluation linguistique impossible. Cette incompatibilité sera constatée par un certificat médical.

So it seems that (from 1 April 2020) 'il supprime' la 'dispense' for those 'Ă¢gĂ©es d'au moins soixante ans'.

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I think that ALBF 's name says it all, 'a little bit french', which is like me, not french. just some things get integrated into 'my' life at least over the years, I suspect never to leave me now.

As I said I couldn't do it, and unless someone feels completely french I cannot get my head around why they would do it.

But 'my' not getting my head around things is nothing new to me......... I do not understand lots of things in this life either.

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Well yes Idun. Exactly.

You can be ALBF without the nationality. I am....ALBF.

I have lived in France over half my life...but I am not French.

I am lost as to why people want to get French citizenship...unless it is for administration. Which is just hypocrisy.

Are you French ? NO.

Are you British ? Yes.

Acquiring French nationality ain't going to change that.

Like I have said many times, go and live in banlieue and tell me if you want to be French.
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And that is how I feel about it. Even now I have spent over half my adult life in France, and stuff just rubbed off on me, which all too often puts me at odds with my friends and family here.

Even if we had changed our minds and decided to stay, then I still could not have applied for french nationality, I am not french and never ever will be.

ALBF I am just going to PM you

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I'm sure I have seen ALBF & idun going on about this before. You don't want French citizenship - no problem, you don't have to apply. Those who do, they have all sorts of reasons, some of which surely never occurred to you.

Me, although a pacifist who would not go near the armed forces, I'm following in the footsteps of one of my ancestors who acquired French nationality in the 1770s (Louis XIV, shortly before his death brought in a law that foreigners spending 10 years+ in the French army acquired nationality). He had a great career, albeit unsuccessful in the siege of Gibraltar, he played an important role in kicking the English out of Menorca by succeeding with the siege of Mahon and rose to the rank of general. For him, that was nationality #2, for me it will be #3.

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@ chessfou2

The question is, how many citizenships do you need ?

One is enough...no ?

Being British in France is not so bad.

Where we live we are surrounded by migrants, immigrants, asylum seekers call them what you like.

They would love to have a citizenship. Somewhere to belong too.

I am happy in that respect to have one.

Apart from administration, I really don't see the point of applying for French citizenship.

Life ain't going to change.

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[quote user="alittlebitfrench"]@ chessfou2

The question is, how many citizenships do you need ?

One is enough...no ?

Being British in France is not so bad.

Where we live we are surrounded by migrants, immigrants, asylum seekers call them what you like.

They would love to have a citizenship. Somewhere to belong too.

I am happy in that respect to have one.

Apart from administration, I really don't see the point of applying for French citizenship.

Life ain't going to change.[/quote]

ALBF. Once more I find myself agreeing with you.

This has to stop [:-))]

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My class of French retirés hoping-to-improve their long-ago-acquired-English used to comment loud and long that I should take French nationality. I defended myself regularly.

I am English, though now having lived in France for almost 15 years I have no thought to return to the UK. Even so taking another nationality .. albeit in tandem .. renders me uneasy.

My OH does not have my capability in French .. so how would it be if I gained French nationality and my OH did not .. not too pleasant a thought.
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