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We had a devis in March 2006 which we signed for work to be done on our roof, new ridge tiles,  unfortunately there was not date to say when he would start!! We have contacted him several times and had the normal "I'll come next week"....now we find that because he hasn't come the timbers are getting wet. I know because we signed the devis we can't back out and get somebody else, but what happens if some of the wood now needs replacing because it's got wet,because he hasn't been??


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Did he strip the old tiles off/install the roofing timbers, or did you/somebody else?  If he started the job and left in the middle and damage has resulted in the meantime, you could claim from his insurance.  Being late alone is no cause for a claim against him, especially if it is not specified!  Mine took a year from signing the devis.... (although once he arrived he completed the whole job with no breaks.)

btw this is my interpretation only.  The legal eagles will correct me if I am wrong.

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No, he hasn't done anything. He did check the timbers last March and said they were OK and it was just the ridge tiles. I'll try and phone him again tonight, explaining water is now coming in the loft....but I don't put out much hope he'll come.


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