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Any new rules today??

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Wondering if there have been any new official announcements today, as our low-fi public address system was blaring away loudly this morning, with at least three speakers audible from our house, making the message even more incomprehensible.

I emailed the Mairie, as they asked for their telephone to be used for emergencies, but no response so far .........................
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I must say this paragraph, from 'le monde' article, raised a smile. Or am I missing something?

Un confinement total impliquerait un ravitaillement à domicile, qui « ne peut être organisé sur l’ensemble du territoire national, compte tenu des moyens dont l’administration dispose, sauf à risquer de graves ruptures d’approvisionnement et à retarder l’acheminement de matériels indispensables à la protection de la santé », souligne le Conseil.

Lire aussi Vin, cannabis, coiffeurs, messe… En période de confinement, la « première nécessité » varie d’un pays à l’autre

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Il faudra désormais indiquer l'heure de de sortie sur les documents dérogatoires


dit durcissement des règles, dit durcissement des contrôles. Ainsi,

pour s'assurer que les nouvelles consignes édictées par le gouvernement

soient scrupuleusement respectées, Édouard Philippe a annoncé qu'«il faudra (désormais) dater et donner l'horaire du papier qu'on doit porter avec soi lorsqu'on sort».

● Les sorties sportives limitées à un rayon de 1 km et à une heure maximum

Alors que de nombreux joggeurs peuplent les rues depuis l'instauration du confinement, le premier ministre a dit vouloir «préciser les règles, de façon à les rendre plus strictes». «Sortir

pour promener ses enfants ou pour faire du sport, ça doit être dans un

rayon de 1 kilomètre de chez soi, au maximum pour une heure, et

évidemment tout seul. Et une fois par jour
», a indiqué le chef du gouvernement.

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I got a reply to my email to the Mairie at 18:11, to the effect that there are no changes for the moment.

The cacophony on the loudspeakers this morning was announcements that the post office will be open in the mornings from 9h to 13h, for drawing out money or depositing cheques, and that the don du sang will take place in the foyer.

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Norman, thanks for the new règles.  I am sending them to the "leader" of our nordic walking group. 

In the meantime, I have been working out how I could make use of the hour and the 1 kilometer.  The only thing is to intensify the the exercise.  Might try running instead but I am MOST unlikely to be able to run for an hour non stop[:-))]

I reckon if I went round the village fast, I could go down a chemin blanc (a lane full of calcaire thus white) near the village and then come back home.  Would be just over the hour but then there is hardly anyone about and certainly no gendarmes.

I wouldn't normally be so keen, it's just that I want to be in the best physical condition possible for an anticipated surgical operation.  Even if that were cancelled or delayed, it'd make me think I am doing the best I can to help myself.

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[quote user="NormanH"]Well there ARE the two new rules I posted above, but they were announced at about 20.33


 Thanks Norman.

Just back from the Super U Drive in Trèbes, about 18 km away.

We were checked by a gendarme on entering the town, he gave us a smile and a wave when he looked at our attestation (with the time of departure).

There was another checkpoint on the roundabout just after the supermarket exit, but we were waved through.

We were early, so parked for about 15 minutes before our slot. Many people using the supermarket wore gloves, many did not. Some wiped their faces with their gloved hands, others came out, returned their chariots, opened the doors, put their good in their boots, entered their cars, touched stuff inside and drove away with the gloves still on.

The staff of two servicing the Drive point trundled bags of food out in grubby looking trolleys, had no protective gear nor masks, and didn't care much when anyone entered their hut, or got close to them, so long as only one person at a time did so. A young man put all our purchases in the boot, asking me to let him do so alone, and not to get too near him. Some were in paper carrier bags, others in knotted plastic bags.

I wore a glove on my right hand, as I have a bad cut on one finger, and did not need to touch anything at the Drive, as I had paid in advance. When we got home I used only the gloved hand to remove everything from the boot, and to put it on the tiled floor of our large store room.

I then had my wife spray my hands, with the glove still on the right hand, with 60% alcohol, rubbed it well around them, then took the spray bottle myself and lightly sprayed the plastic bags, untied them, and removed the contents of all the bags with my left hand, putting them on a varnished table top.

It struck me that many people could have touched the food and the packages, so I again sprayed all the outer wrapping and jars, and left them for half an hour before I removed the last layer of wrapping while my wife picked up the items and put everything away.

I quite probably have not disinfected every possible place which had been touched, but hopefully I have considerably reduced any risk. I kept rubbing any residual alcohol onto my hands and the containers etc. while I I was handling them.

We don't really need to shop again for 3 to 4 weeks. We have about 8 - 10 days' worth of fresh milk, twice as much UHT, plenty of meat, fish, veggies, frozen chips, bread and other odds in the freezer, and our usual standby tinned stuff. There are lots of things it would be nice to have, but which are not essential.

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Nomoss, I am speechless with admiration at your thoroughness[:)]

We went for a short practice run to Aldi (our nearest food shop) yesterday at lunch time.  Only saw 4 or 5 people in the shop.  All the shelves and freezers were fully loaded.  Bog rolls?  Piles of them[:D]

At the check-out, there were spaces marked on the floor.  The check-out person was screened behind a clear plastic screen.  There were crates around the end of the conveyor belt so that you weren't near the person.  She was wearing disposable gloves and the card terminal was wrapped in cling film (not sure about the reasoning behind this). 

It was very calm bearing in mind it was lunch time AND near the end of the month.  Everyone was polite but kept their distance, the staff and other customers.  Just soooo  orderly, unnaturally so even!

We'd cleaned down the supermarket trolley handle and our car door handles and the steering wheel and sanitised our hands but we hadn't been anywhere as thorough as you were.

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[quote user="mint"]
Nomoss, I am speechless with admiration at your thoroughness[:)]  ..........................................................[/quote]

Just mentioning a few points which occurred to me for comment and criticism.

It's easy to forget what one has to do when the gloves need to be removed, and that one can do as much potential damage by touching things with contaminated gloves as with contaminated hands.

Not much point in putting cling film on the card terminal, is there?

Reminds me of the old joke about the assistant serving cakes with a pair of tongs.....

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[quote user="NormanH"]

Il faudra désormais indiquer l'heure de de sortie sur les documents dérogatoires


dit durcissement des règles, dit durcissement des contrôles. Ainsi,

pour s'assurer que les nouvelles consignes édictées par le gouvernement

soient scrupuleusement respectées, Édouard Philippe a annoncé qu'«il faudra (désormais) dater et donner l'horaire du papier qu'on doit porter avec soi lorsqu'on sort».[/quote]

THIS link will take you to the latest 'attestation' version, refered to above, with a section to enter your departure time next to the date.

It is downloadable as .pdf (French), .doc(French), .txt(French) or .doc(French/English). If like me you use Libre Office, then the .doc forms are recognised and open in a printable format.

Once downloaded the form is in 'read only' format but can be made 'editable'. The editable version now becomes interactive so you can fill in all your personal details and signature prior to printing. 

When printed, all that is needed is to apply an X against the appropriate section you are undertaking and time and date it.

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Hi, does anyone know the rules (maybe there aren't any!) concerning "plusieurs" travelling together for shopping? I've come across what is happening in Spain, but haven't found anything definitive for France - there has been a view expressed that if two people, usually a couple in the same foyer, need to go together for mutual assistance etc. it's ok.

I see that Nomoss was stopped on the way to SuperU at Trebes - presumably there was no comment made by the gendarmes?

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[quote user="pomme"]Hidden in this:

Participation à des missions d’intérêt général sur demande de l’autorité administrative / participation to general interest missions commissionned by an administrative authority[/quote]
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[quote user="Un autre Gallois"]Hi, does anyone know the rules (maybe there aren't any!) concerning "plusieurs" travelling together for shopping? I've come across what is happening in Spain, but haven't found anything definitive for France - there has been a view expressed that if two people, usually a couple in the same foyer, need to go together for mutual assistance etc. it's ok.

I see that Nomoss was stopped on the way to SuperU at Trebes - presumably there was no comment made by the gendarmes?


No comment was made.

I read somewhere that if two or more people are together that they each need separate attestations.

I deduce from that that it is permitted for two or more people to travel together [:D]

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[quote user="cajal"][quote user="pomme"]Hidden in this:

Participation à des missions d’intérêt général sur demande de l’autorité administrative / participation to general interest missions commissionned by an administrative authority[/quote][/quote]

It never occurred to me to print it in English, so I didn't see that.

I guess it invalidates the whole document[:(]

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