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Must I wait for the Permis?


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We applied on 15 November for a Permis de Construire, to extend our house.  Thus far, the DDE at St. Junien haven't even opened the letter because all mail received after 13 November has been put into storage boxes to await their move to new offices at Limoges.  Can anyone tell me, for sure, whether it is true that one can start the building anyway if a decision hasn't been given within 3 months of the application?
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As far as I was aware you have to actually get a letter from them more or less saying that, otherwise there's no proof that you ever even applied.  Certainly in our case we got a letter acknowledging receipt of our application and that if we had heard nothing by a certain date we could take it that we could go ahead.  Of course, someone else is bound to tell you I've got it wrong!
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I wouldn't start anything without written permission. There could be a valid reason why you have not heard anything just yet (xmas hols,staff on strike at DDE etc). Here our local DDE burned down just before xmas losing thousands of papers which in turn means the applicants will have to re-apply and wait again. There could also be another reason why you have a delay in that there has been an objection or the Architecte de Bâtiments de France has been involved. If you do start,you could be made to dismantle the work at your own expense.
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