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Complete France Forum

La lumière au bout du tunnel...or...


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whatever the correct French expression is!

May 11 can't come soon enough for me.  No more attestations, no more limit of only 1 km....yippee!  On that day, I am going to drive to a location at least half an hour away and walk 10 km minimum!

My birthday is soon after that date but alas no restos yet (sorry, my poor Norman, you will have to stick with the traiteur a bit longer).

BUT, I am going to prepare a yummy picnic and make one of my favourite cakes (coffee and walnut, extra large size) and go with OH to a deserted airfield near Angouleme, come sunshine or rain.

What are you going to do to mark the occasion?[:D]

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I think I would wait until the confinement has been lifted before making plans. We may find that the 11 May isn't so definite.

Hope I'm wrong.

"Quand vous verrez la lumière au bout du tunnel, priez pour que ce ne soit pas le train" Daniel Lemire
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Do you really think that the government are simply going to give up their new powers and allow you all to return to normal? I think it will take a few riots and a lot of civil disobedience before they do , both in UK and France.

It sounds like a nice plan, anyway.
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Meek Megan I do not know how the situation in France is being reported in the French media but it seems to me that in the UK the number of deaths of health workers is being reported as is the lack of PPE and the dangers that has for health staff. This may be having an impact on why the lockdown is in force. In addition, the UK does not have a president who is fermenting the unrest in a certain country.
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