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The new Government

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Yes, I had the TV off and on towards the end of the afternoon to hear the list of people appointed.  Not that I recognised a single name of the new government!

My question therefore is more one of process than of the dramatis personae.  So is it the PM rather than the president who does the choosing?  And is it usual not to keep ANY of the previous occupants of posts? 

I ask the latter question because I think that at least all the principal posts, interior ministry, education, etc all have new occupants.

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It is supposed to be the PM, since it is his Goverment, but nobody is under any illusions that it is in fact the President.
Several of the main ones were kept, such as Education, Finance, Foreign affairs and  the Army...

I enjoy seeing Roselyne Bachelot back. Never one to mince her words she was Minister for Health at the period of a former possible pandemic and she really built up the reserves of masks and equipment, but  as the menace never actually materialised she was pilloried for wasting money.
The stocks she had built up  were allowed to dwindle and we saw the results of that  when this virus hit France

and en pleine forme

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Thank you for the videos.  Indeed I see what you mean about Mme Bachelot not mincing her words and very certain about what PPE was needed.  I shall be following her progress and actions with interest.

Good to know that a person of her capability is the nouvelle ministre de culture?

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I think it was Roselyne that I saw on French TV a few months ago relate a story about how she'd accompanied Chirac to some summit in London. 

Dinner was announced,  and Chirac turned to Blair and said words to the effect of "Oh an English meal,  one goes in expecting de la merde and one comes out wishing that it had been".

She described with exquisite accuracy Blair's facial expressions as Chirac's little joke unfolded....

Interesting about the opera,  when I see her I always think she looks as though she's about to set off to a performance,  but whether as a member of the audience or as the lead soprano I can never quite decide......

(I hadn't realised that the word m!e*r^d"e wasn't allowed here.  Honestly....)

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Oh, Martin, it's so nice to have you in our midst again.  I, for one, have missed you hugely though I don't usually understand much of what you say on all things technical like what goes on inside television sets and "stuff like that"![:D]

Yes, she sounds quite the character!  At the moment, I am reading "France in the New Century" by John ARDAGH.  It is a dense book and, so far, I have found it somewhat heavy going.  It is interesting nonetheless on French politics and government.

I have recently finished the chapter called the "Chirac Years" and must admit that you little anecdote gives an amusing footnote to that part of the book!

Chirac with Juppé and then with Jospin, not an unqualified success......can only hope that Macron with Philippe and now with Castex will merit a kinder write-up from future historians?

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Thank you mint,  that's very kind.

Like I suspect a few others, I don't tend to say anything much on here now,  having been the target of the forum lynch-mob a few years ago when I asked for advice on behalf of French friends.

But that was then,   I get the feeling that after a bad patch things are a bit better again now.   So even though we're now back in England permanently I observe what's going on,  here occasionally,  but mainly via French TV,  which  is a great comfort,   particularly as there seems to be nothing on the BBC to appeal to us now.

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Hi Mint, yes, good to see some returners ... you remind me taht I have that book but have yet to "attack" it, sounds like it would be good holiay time reading, the only teim I get time to read anything but stuff that doesn't need your full attention .. though I must admit I am currently reading about how they found out what genes do to  make cancer cancer cells, very readable, written for non-scientists, and fascinating, but slow going.  Nothing to do with France of course, so I have just hijacked this thread - sorry!  Called "One renegade cell" - which says it all really, but actually - not!!

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Your book sounds interesting, Judith[:)]

Hope you are keeping OK and avoiding the sun[:)] 

This is my first summer not having to wrap up in layers like an onion.  Must say it just FEELS great, having a bit of colour on face and arms.  PLUS I reckon it makes me look healthier......at least people tell me I look "well" and, as I haven't put on any weight, I don't think they mean I look er......fat and bonny!

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