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[quote user="woolybanana"]It seems that 15 % of folk in France are anti any form of vaccination and 50% are anti the Covid jab, largely on the grounds that it had not been ‘proven’ yet.

What percentage of the population needs to be done to get rid of covid?

Should refusal be sanctioned in some way?[/quote]

Yes, have them sign an attestation that if they contract Covid-19 they do not wish to be treated.

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I'm a bit hesitant about this vaccine - bit worried.   I do remember genuine concerns about the new 3 in 1 MR jab given to children, and from which some children did have adverse side effects.
I think I'd prefer to wait and see if there are any side-effects that become apparent after a few months.

But - and it is a very big 'BUT'  - to all those of you fiercely in favour of everyone having the vaccine.
Do you think it should be compulsory ?
And if someone refuses on whatever grounds, should they be banned from flying, or any other activities ?

Where do the Human Rights stand on this ? 

Your own personal freedoms ?

Because just watch 'them' - any government - any sign of it being made compulsory then I think we are all in deep trouble.

Just be careful what you wish for !!


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People should be responsible for the decisions they make, especially when it effects other others. Yes it may impact on "human rights" but so do the effects of bad decisions.

An example is the French couple who introduced Measles back to Costa Rica in Feb 2019. They go back home after a holiday and leave an infection on the island.

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I am not a 'conspiracy' believer in any way, shape or form - but I also have begun to distrust big government.
I just wondered about how others feel about the 'compulsory' aspect of everyone having to be injected with something so new - without any time for proper evaluation of any possible long term side-effects.

It's the 'compulsory' aspect which concerns me, that's all.
If most people are happy to have this injection, then the rights of those who would prefer not to have it should surely be taken into account.

Wouldn't the figures suggest that if the majority of the population had the vaccine then this virus will just 'die out' - and those who don't wish to have the vaccine - won't need it anyway.

I'm just concerned about the creeping 'big brother' side of it all..........


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But, the figures in Norman's post showed 50% against the vaccine, if the remaining 50% were vaccinated, that wouldn't be nearly enough to guarantee herd immunity.

Don't get me wrong, I would be against compulsory vaccination, and am not sure I would have it myself, due to a compromised immune system.
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The UK government has said that the vaccine will be prioritised for people in care homes and the over 85s and then rolled out to others with the over 75s after that and so on down to the youngest.

AFAIK, all the volunteering human guinea-pigs are healthy, young adults.  So not tested on the elderly and the fragile.  So, do you think Boris wants to be rid of us, economically inactive, heavy NHS users and blockers of large homes and too- stubborn- to- give- up- the- ghost types?[6]

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Mint - ah - ha - I knew they had a 'cunning plan'.  
Now you can understand why I don't trust big government, any government !!!
And the fact that 50% of french people are wary about this new vaccine ought to cause some to stop and think.
We are, after all, told just how much better, and cleverer, the french are at everything - maybe this time they've got it right !!

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