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Big demonstations agaist he Covid 'passe'

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The extreme right iq  playing politics with public health by stirring things up, because the Presidential elections are only a few months away

The organiser 

Florian Phillipott (who was for a long while president of the FN)

calling for the" liberty" to infect other people

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Excellent article, lots of details about the passe sanitaire, the when, the whom, the possible sanctions:


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Popped in to a local resto to book for later in the week; it was almost empty. Owner says it is very quiet, and that it is heavily touristy Montreuil sur Mer. Perhaps it is the weather which has been thundery and showery but perhaps folks are avoiding restos and cafés?
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[quote user="NickP"]I think that instead of using water cannons the police when dealing with the idiot rioting protesters should just spray them with disinfectant. Lots of them look like they need disinfecting. ??[/quote]

What a disgusting spectacle. They need spraying with something a bit stronger than disinfectant.

I think a vaccination certificate should be required for admission to urgences for anyone with Covid symptoms.

I don't care if they die, thousands of others may because of them spreading the virus.

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[quote user="nomoss"]
What a disgusting spectacle. They need spraying with something a bit stronger than disinfectant.

I think a vaccination certificate should be required for admission to urgences for anyone with Covid symptoms.

I don't care if they die, thousands of others may because of them spreading the virus.


I agree with you.  Imagine how the medical staff feel about these anti-vaccers.  I saw a report on CNN interviewing a woman hospitalized with COVID in the U.S.  She said she regretted not getting vaccinated.  The reporter asked her why she hadn't gotten vaccinated and her answer was she simply "hadn't gotten around to it."  So, I refer back to my other comment; there are a lot of stupid people in the world. 

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[quote user="Lori"][quote user="nomoss"]
What a disgusting spectacle. They need spraying with something a bit stronger than disinfectant.

I think a vaccination certificate should be required for admission to urgences for anyone with Covid symptoms.

I don't care if they die, thousands of others may because of them spreading the virus.


I agree with you.  Imagine how the medical staff feel about these anti-vaccers.  I saw a report on CNN interviewing a woman hospitalized with COVID in the U.S.  She said she regretted not getting vaccinated.  The reporter asked her why she hadn't gotten vaccinated and her answer was she simply "hadn't gotten around to it."  So, I refer back to my other comment; there are a lot of stupid people in the world. 


I have seen several whining on TV, here and in the UK, about how they wished ......... as they gradually suffocate with the virus.

I find it impossible to sympathise.

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Ye Gods!! No wonder society is falling apart and the Covid wars are descending into wars of religion. Let the heretics burn in hell, but first on a bûcher!

PS. Don't let science interfere with 'the science' (i.e. dogma, or catechism, as approved either by appeal to 'authority' or to the 'will of the people').
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I think these people are following the same line of warped "logic" that I have seen in other places.

Decide to be "anti-vax" for no definable reason except that your generation is not used to compulsory vaccination, and you don't see why it should apply to you.

Search the internet for information, however tenuous and unreliable, to justify your stance. The more outrageous the better.

Vehemently attack anyone who disagrees with you by screaming about your "evidence" at every opportunity. This will attract other misfits and losers whose main occupation is attacking the "establishment", who will help you bolster your opinion of your own superior attitude.

It helps if you can join a mob of similarly poorly educated, easily influenced people with a equally low IQ.

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