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Permission of Fosse Septic


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We had notification that our Permis de Construire was approved just before Christmas. We filled in the forms for the P de C at the Mairie and at the same time we were given a seperate form to fill in for the fosse and was told if it got passed we would have to pay a certain amount, which now I can't remember, about £80 I think. This was in July '06.

Just a couple of questions if someone could answer, please.

a) as we haven't heard anything differently, can we assume that the fosse has been approved, we haven't received a seperate letter saying yes or no. Is it included in the P de C approval. I'm thinking that maybe if the fosse wasn't granted then nor would the P de C, one can't build a new house without a fosse.

b) we haven't received a bill for said amount, unless that's included in the P de C ( Taxe Départementale des Espaces naturels Sensibles).


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We received a copy of the fosse form back from the mairie granting approval (though it went in via the builders at the same time as the P de C form) with the proviso that the trenches were inspected before being filled in.  This came back shortly after the P de C.  We were billed for the pre-visit from the assainissment dept. at a  much later date, this came from one of the central bill collecting offices.  Had you already worked out what you needed for your fosse?  Didn't you need the dept to come out and advise what they would see as being the most suitable option? I understood that this was what the fee was for.
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   Nobody has come to see us or the land, and we haven't had any correspondance at all from anyone. As I said previously, we filled in a very simple form at the Mairie's. From what I remember of this form, apart from usual questions, it asked who was going to install the fosse, was it within xxx metres of a well, and a few diagrams. We haven't worked out anything yet regarding the fosse apart from where it's going to go on our land as this had to be indicated on the plans for the P de C. I have no idea if we need the department to come out and advise us.

   Perhaps something has been overlooked and I might have to contact the Maire to confirm if the fosse has been approved. I didn't want to contact them before just incase it was obvious.

Thanks for your reply westland.

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Perhaps as you seem to have everything sorted as to where your fosse has to be sited within the regulations they don't need to actually come out and advise.  Our land was too close to a natural spring and the builders wanted advice as to where the trenches were to be situated and the permeability of the soil.  Other postings have indicated that the fee also includes the issue of a certificate of conformity after the installation; we are hoping that the builders will pass this onto us when the have finished the work. 

 I'm afraid that my comments are limited as to what happened in our situation.  There may be others on the forum who have experience of completing the form and what the fee covers. 

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I am confident that there won't/would not be a problem having a fosse approved as our land is a good size and as far as we are aware, not near anything that would hinder it but I don't want to assume we have permission and start work and then find out that we hadn't filled in the appropriate form. The form that we did fill in may have been a requirement to accompany the P de C but not the Demande d’ Installation d’un Dispositif d’Assainissement Non Collectif which I beleive is the form. I have been googling to find an image of the form to see if it rings any bells, and is the same as we completed before, but have had no luck.

Thank you Quillan, just found our latest copy. I normally skim over those sorts of articles,I tend leave that sort of thing for my husband to read!! But he hasn't had time to even open the magasine this month. I will insist on some bedtime reading for him.

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I have been re-reading our P de C authorisation and this is an extract:

...et assorti des réserves suivantes:

-  l'assainissement non collectif sera conforme à l'arrêté interministériel du 06.05.1996, à l'arrêté préfectoral du 19.05.1998 et à l'étude de zonage communal.

Is this the phrase that implies permission for the fosse has been granted. As said before, no seperate letter informing us, or soil tests done, unless it was done in our absence.


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The phrase that you quote is simply saying that you will need to conform to the various regulations. I suggest that you contact the Mairie and ask which organisation controls Les Fosses for the commune. They usually delegate it to a specialist body often known as the SPANC.(Le Service Public d’Assainissement Non Collectif ). They are the people who would inspect the site and specify any particular requirements that you might have to meet.
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