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Yesterday I booked a crossing with LD Lines Fri-Monday car+2 in Mid March £82.00.

Then I stumbled on the pdf copy (pity I do not know how to post it on the forum)  of the ticket I had booked last year with them :   car+2  Friday-Monday in mid March : £  39.60.




Has Mrs Gupta an opinion on this ? And WHY so much silence  about this disgraceful price increase on the forums ?

It seems you have now become quite happy to pay higher prices than P&O used to charge!

I am puzzled.




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Dear Will, surely you know that LD lines have still ONLY got one ship on the PO/LH route and a ship that is quite old and not even remotely comparable in terms of comfort  to the two that   P&O operated ! (not to mention the return sailing schedule that will let you become stranded in Portsmouth till the early hours of the morning , if you are a foot passenger ).

We all thought that on this basis  LD lines could not pretend to apply the same tariffs of P&O. And indeed  they did not , last year . But the custom they won ,  they will kill off with such an arrogant business policy.

The UK government  should step in and dictate the implementation of  lower tariffs , tariffs  that reflect the distance being covered, that reflect the comfort- or not -  being provided. These high fares stop the free movement of people.

Ah but which government? The one that is allowing the rail companies to charge you > £200 for a one way journey  London to Edingburgh  for example ? dont think so !

I hope  Bruxelles will one decide to come to the aid.


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Of course I know that. I also know that LD Lines' first set of fares was a 'simplified' version of the P&O fare structure which amounted to fares that were almost identical to the P&O (and Brittany Ferries) standard tarrif, before the special offer fares came in. For late bookings or peak periods, or a non-standard size vehicle, you can still easily pay over £150-200 return. And that the ship, despite the 'improvements' made, is quite unsuitable for the route.

Despite the nonsense that is often printed about pirates, monopolies and cartels, fares are fixed by individual companies. They are nothing to do with government, though assistance from local government and from Brussels muddies the waters in some cases, and is another subject altogether. As none of the Channel crossings provides a lifeline for isolated communities, or gets goods traffic off the roads, EU assistance or intervention is very unlikely.

Don't forget that LD Lines, as with BF and P&O, gains its bread and butter from freight. Passenger traffic is merely an extra earner, and a nice one at peak times.

I'm glad you mention rail travel. I often pay more, even using 'saver' fares, to get from Portsmouth to London and back, or even not as far as London, than to get from Caen to Portsmouth and return by Brittany Ferries. Which puts the so-called 'extortionate' fares of BF into some sort of perspective.

I am not a particular fan of, or apologist for, any ferry operator. I just deal in facts, from a professional viewpoint as far as shipping is concerned.


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[quote user="valmont"]

The UK government  should step in and dictate the implementation of  lower tariffs , tariffs  that reflect the distance being covered, that reflect the comfort- or not -  being provided. These high fares stop the free movement of people.


I can't believe that you really mean that, if you do, what planet, exactly, are you from ?

That's the sort of thing that China had under Chairman Mao, for goodness sake......................................get real...[:@]


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[quote user="Bugbear"][quote user="valmont"]

The UK government  should step in and dictate the implementation of  lower tariffs , tariffs  that reflect the distance being covered, that reflect the comfort- or not -  being provided. These high fares stop the free movement of people.


I can't believe that you really mean that, if you do, what planet, exactly, are you from ?

That's the sort of thing that China had under Chairman Mao, for goodness sake......................................get real...[:@]




Not the planet:  rip-off Britain , if you want to know.  Fairness, rights, and every other moral value  have gone forever there. Money making at all costs philosophy rules.

And which  planet exactly do you live on, instead ?

Perhaps you enjoy being taken for a ride and having your pockets picked at will. If so Britain  is the right place for you to live. British Airways will love you, rail companies will adhore you, Ferry lines will kiss you, and so will  the mayor of London and its C charge.  Leave you car unattended for  30 seconds and see how much it ll cost you, pay road tax and be asked to pay again for the milage you cover. Pay for rubbish collection  but be fined  if your rubbish is  heavy.

Have you and your car  be followed and photographed by a spy vehicle with camera, pay £ 4.00 for a one stop travel on the London underground, better still pay  for public transport but then walk instead to destination. Pay for the police that you never ever see on beat and  get no help when you become a victim. Save money all you life and then have it taken from you and your siblins through inheritance tax.

Shall I carry on ? 

No I do not want Mao, I want fairness and I am on the side of the consumers not on that of the big money making corporations.


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[quote user="valmont"]

Fairness, rights, and every other moral value have gone forever there.


Really?  [8-)]

I guess they must have repealed the Representation of the People Act so you don't have the fundamental democratic right to vote for your government any more?

They must have also cancelled the Human Rights Act, which gave you the right to have your life protected by law.  That means the state can now kill you if they want to.

And I suspect all the recent child protection legislation was just a joke and that the moral values under which the Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre was set up don't exist - even though they've just cracked a major UK paedophile ring?

The above is clearly good news, because with that lot out of the way, the government can really get down to dealing with the important things - like subsidising ferry charges, introducing special allowances for excess time parking, reviewing rubbish collection charges......



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[quote user="valmont"]

Not the planet:  rip-off Britain , if you want to know.  Fairness, rights, and every other moral value  have gone forever there. Money making at all costs philosophy rules.

And which  planet exactly do you live on, instead ?

Perhaps you enjoy being taken for a ride and having your pockets picked at will. If so Britain  is the right place for you to live. British Airways will love you, rail companies will adhore you, Ferry lines will kiss you, and so will  the mayor of London and its C charge.  Leave you car unattended for  30 seconds and see how much it ll cost you, pay road tax and be asked to pay again for the milage you cover. Pay for rubbish collection  but be fined  if your rubbish is  heavy.

Have you and your car  be followed and photographed by a spy vehicle with camera, pay £ 4.00 for a one stop travel on the London underground, better still pay  for public transport but then walk instead to destination. Pay for the police that you never ever see on beat and  get no help when you become a victim. Save money all you life and then have it taken from you and your siblins through inheritance tax.

Shall I carry on ? 

No I do not want Mao, I want fairness and I am on the side of the consumers not on that of the big money making corporations.



Sorry Valmont, but the 'Force' is clearly not with you.

I think you need some help to get you back to reality.........................[:)]

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[quote user="Sunday Driver"]The above is clearly good news, because with that lot out of the way, the government can really get down to dealing with the important things - like subsidising ferry charges, introducing special allowances for excess time parking, reviewing rubbish collection charges......[/quote]

To be fair, I don't think he suggested that any government should subsidise ferry fares, just that the rediculously high fares sometimes charged should be prevented.

£162 for a SINGLE fare on the tunnel for one ordinary car and two people really is taking the p***!

Remember, the Uk is the only part of the EU which has to pay so much to travel to other parts. (with the exception of Eire).

Public transport costs in the UK are over twice as much as in any other EU country (source Which? magazine).

And try to get the police interested if you suffer a burglary in the UK, then compare the response to that when you inadvertantly stray 3mph over a 30 limit in your local high street at 3.00am. (Also SD, try riding a bike in North Wales at any time of the day).

Maybe the ex-pats on here now never take the rose-coloured specs off.

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[quote user="Brilec"]

To be fair, I don't think he suggested that any government should subsidise ferry fares, just that the rediculously high fares sometimes charged should be prevented.

Maybe the ex-pats on here now never take the rose-coloured specs off.


So, if I can get this right, what you're suggesting is that the government should tell retailers and service providers what they must charge for the goods and services that they provide.

Isn't that what communist dictatorships do ?

Your second point is just presumptious and in most cases totally wrong.


les yeux écarquillés, pas lunettes et complètement informé

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Gary - what planet did they say they were on? I think I missed it. It must be the planet where you hate everything because the government is taking over and creating the nanny state and where the government really needs to control everything like prices on ferries.

Rediculuous (sic).

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Remember, the Uk is the only part of the EU which has to pay so much to travel to other parts. (with the exception of Eire).

Might that have anything to do with the UK and Eire having the geographical disadvantage of being offshore islands....?

And try to get the police interested if you suffer a burglary in the UK, then compare the response to that when you inadvertantly stray 3mph over a 30 limit in your local high street at 3.00am. (Also SD, try riding a bike in North Wales at any time of the day).

Our local beat officer had a remarkable personal burglary clear up record and was more than keen to investigate any complaint.  I suppose his proactive attitude was helped by the fact that we never bleated to him about the terrible injustice of being prosecuted for commiting a motoring offence.

I used live a hour from North Wales and frequently rode up there on my bike to enjoy the countryside.  In common with the majority of motorists, I never encountered any problem in doing so.

No rose coloured specs in our house....[8-)]



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Just renewed my P&O season ticket at £390 Dover, Cailas, Includes 3 over 5 day trips and 2 under 5, I can extend the short trips for £30 extra at time of booking, I know i can get it cheaper at Speed ferries but I have much more choice of sailing times and  I like the break it gives after driving down to dover B4 the six hour trip to 79.  I can choose any of the crossing times of day I want with 24hr notice.

They dont show it on there website you have to ring up to book the season ticket, minimum pay for 5 return crossings and i seem to remember  you can transfer them to others as they just send you booking references to use when you want to book your crossing but havent tried it yet, not untill the pad is ready for friends and they wont have to feel like they are at a campsite cooking over an open fire and sleeping on camp beds, although when that time is near and it is a sunny period i'm sure I will get crushed in the rush.


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[quote user="Sunday Driver"]

Our local beat officer [/quote]

Ah, we don't get them round here any more.

[quote user="Sunday Driver"]

I used live a hour from North Wales and frequently rode up there on my bike to enjoy the countryside.  In common with the majority of motorists, I never encountered any problem in doing so. [/quote]

Was that before the reign of Chief Constable Richard Brunstrom?

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  • 2 weeks later...
[quote user="valmont"]

Yesterday I booked a crossing with LD Lines Fri-Monday car+2 in Mid March £82.00.

Then I stumbled on the pdf copy (pity I do not know how to post it on the forum)  of the ticket I had booked last year with them :   car+2  Friday-Monday in mid March : £  39.60.




Has Mrs Gupta an opinion on this ? And WHY so much silence  about this disgraceful price increase on the forums ?

It seems you have now become quite happy to pay higher prices than P&O used to charge!

I am puzzled.



Well of course they had to establish themselves, but now they need to make a profit. However, sailing times not user friendly and no o/n cabns anyway, so I'll stick to BF thanks very much!

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Just returned from  the trip that has cost me over 100% more  on the same period last year with LD Lines and I must admit.......there has been ABSOLUTELY no improvement to the passengers to justifiy such a hugh fare increase.

Reclyning seat ? Yeah there are ,  but they are also in a place where the light stays permanently on even at night time , where there is a chocolate  machine  which - being free - is abused by the passengers at all times at night and with the two toilet doors being slammed  almost continuously by the so called  "first class" passengers.

What a load of c...p !!

Ah and I forgot to mention .... do you remember that  for two years we have being waiting to see what would have become of the space that was opposite the entrance to the duty free shop ??

Well, they have fitted there - the most tranquill of all places on a ship ! -  CABINS !!

Would you pay the earth to try and sleep in a cabin with a door on a very very busy corridor ? (I hate to think what would be like in the summer with children running around and shouting and the few odd (??) beer-bellied-at-all-hours-drunkurds belching, swearing and laughing aloud. 



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