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House construction problem


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I have recently discovered that our new house has been built to close to the boundary, on the planning application the corner of the house should be 3 metres from the boundary, but it now appears that it has been built only 1 metre from the boundary. Does anyone know if this will cause me a problem in the future or if there is an attestation i can apply for or are there any other avenues i can pursue to resolve the issue, thanks for your help.
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I would say the first stop would be a visit to the Maire. Explain your problem and see what he/she advises. I believe that the 3 metres or right against a boundary is the norm with at least 5 metres from any public road/pathway. As these rules seem to be interpreted differently in each area, seeking advice then getting something in writing  might save future headaches.


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You should contact the DDE immediately. a local architect who was supervising the construction of a property has recently been required to demolish and rebuild a property at his expense, because he had supervised the construction of a house 1 metre ahead of the agreed line. It will be cheaper for you if any reconstruction is charge to the builder's rather than yourself.


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