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Senior Rail card

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That's interesting Judith, but I haven't been able to find the details.

What I found (from the Guide to using the Téoz trains) was:

Comment les tarifs sont-ils calculés?

Pour une même destination, les tarifs varient en fonction de 4 critères:

• La classe que vous choisissez : 1ère ou 2nde.

• La date de réservation. C’est LE grand principe: plus vous réservez tôt, plus vous avez de chance de payer moins!

• Le fait que vous possédiez ou non une carte de réduction.

• Les services associés aux tarifs: comme le service d’échange et de remboursement.

C’est la prise en comptede tous ces critères qui vous permet de choisir le billet le mieux adapté à votre façon de voyager .

But it would be nice if you could point me in the right direction.

Perhaps I won't need to shell out next year.

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It is true that if you are over 60, on certain trains, during heures creuses, you get a 25% reduction at the guichet (you might have to show proof of age). It all seems a little casual, I have never seen it written down anywhere. I was first  told about it by someone who worked for SNCF, I was able to verify it  (even though I am only 35 haha) - it made me question the necessity for a 56€ Senior card even!

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5-element (even though I am only 35 haha)

Those of us who are older, were, believe it or not, once 35 as well...

The difference now is that we have made it to 60 or whatever age we are. You have yet to prove you can get there - and believe me, there are a heck of a lot of hurdles and pitfalls to deal with on the way. So don't be too smug too soon!

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Very sorry Mel - I thought it was only too obvious that I was joking. It never occurred to me that anyone could take my "being 35" literally.

I have been 35,  maybe as long ago as you! And given the hurdles, pitfalls and tragedies, almost every day I am bewildered to see that I have made it far enough to qualify for my senior railcard. Yet, here it is, in front of me, and I haven't had to tell fibs about my age![:)]

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I wish I was that precocious youth, Mel. If I was, I hope I would be wise enough not to take the Michael or to feel any smugness about being whatever age. Of all things to be smug about, that seems to be one of the most fallacious, either being smug for being young, or being smug for being ancient. It's not after all, anything to do with one's achievement or intrinsic personal value, just another accident of birth!

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[quote user="gosub"]I seem to remember that if you book  train tickets online, there is a box to tick for any travellers over 60, you may need to prove your age, to the ticket collector/guard on the train.


There is indeed, I have been waiting for that day to arrive - not long now!! 

NormanH - I think I read it some time ago, in one of the leaflets I habitually gather when I am waiting at stations.  Bit busy at the mo - visitors - but when  I've a little more time, I'll see what I can find out as it will be useful for me too in less than a month's time !!!

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  • 2 weeks later...
I travelled by rail a couple of months ago (castres to toulouse) and booked by the ticket machine immediately before I travelled, there was an entry to make which gave a 25% discount for over 60's.It is then for the ticket inspector to ask for proof of age if he feels it necessary.
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[quote user="stu8"]I travelled by rail a couple of months ago (castres to toulouse) and booked by the ticket machine immediately before I travelled, there was an entry to make which gave a 25% discount for over 60's.It is then for the ticket inspector to ask for proof of age if he feels it necessary.[/quote]

But if the inspector has to ask for proof of age, it's because one doesn't look it, n'est ce pas[Www]

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  • 3 months later...

If you are over 60 you simply book your ticket in the normal way but select "age 60" on the on-line booking page. The savings can be substantial but the reductions are limited in number so book early. The savings are not as great as for the "carte senior" but there are no up-front fees.

You are expected to carry proof of age during the trip so I usually have my passport. I have never been asked for proof of age (bad sign!)


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Whenever I have bought a ticket at the ticket office I tell the clerk my age and get the discount, I have never been asked for proof of age - how sad is that !

It saves my Employer money, not me personnally as I claim my train fares back from work. I don't think the accounts dept even notice the saving. Maybe I could get an age discount on Paris Taxis, they seem horribly expensive. The last one was c.Euro65 from CDG to Montparnasse !!!!!

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We went by train for our last visit to UK - we went to our local French station to get our Senior cards to tickets - TGV to Paris then Eurostar to St Pancras- about 2 months before. The price would have been E950 for 2 (return) - 50% with Senior card = E475 + cost of Senior cards. But then he looked at special offers, and got it down to E350. He then said he would look at something else and asked if we could return 2 days later then planned- and bingo - the price was E228 for 2 return - so much cheaper than buying and using Senior cards. So book early - and ask the employee to check all possibilities, saying you are flexible on dates if you are. This is what I call a great Employee (rare) - we told him so and thanked him very very much.

BTW - we loved the journey - much easier than plane and all in all, about the same time- as the TGV station is local and we arrrived IN London. Will defo do it again.

In the UK, I also found that the only way to get the very best price for my groups was to go to the ticket office in person. They always tried everything to get the best value possible - and each and every time were really friendly and took their time (avoid peak times obviously!).

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[quote user="cooperlola"]Crikey, Steve.    What was it,  a Bentley or something?[:-))]

It certainly wasn't a Bentley. I dont recall what it was, a Merc perhaps. It was the next available in the line at CDG and I watched the meter ticking up with a small degree of horror. Are they time slugged, not just distance? It was a long (time) trip due to rush hour. He didn't take "the long way round" to push the price as far as I could tell (I do the same journey quite regularly).

I considered taking the Air France bus next time but, its not my money so should I really worry?

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