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That looks really interesting - anyone on here tried them?

Our last-but-one load has just left the UK.  We don't finally move until February 1, so the UK house is looking fairly empty now. 

On the up-side, we packed up the UK garden furniture, pots and things and are looking forward to unpacking them in France next weekend - please can we order some good weather so that we can enjoy them - SE England this weekend was VERY wet!



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  • 2 months later...

We did the move in October and have finally started unpacking boxes from our garage in France.  Discovered we have furry visitors in the garage, one was still resident in the box when I unpacked it. Loud scream heard coming from kitchen.  Mouse now resident in the field opposite our house, probably now on his way back to the garage to rejoin his family!!  We used Pierremont Van Hire, broadstairs, but not sure if they do one way van hire.  Very reasonably priced.


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This may seem a daft question but I've just checked out the One-Way-Hire site, which looks very interesting. However, there is no indication of quite what their price includes. Obviously the 'from' price differs depending on where you are going but does anyone know whether they then factor in the ferry costs for a final quote, or does the hirer have to arrange this on top of the van hire? If anyone knows, that would be great; if not I'll contact them and ask my daft question direct!

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Did some follow-up on my last post: thought the results might be useful to others. I asked One-Way-Hire for a quote from a short way out of Portsmouth to an hour's journey into Normandy, for the smallest group size van (prices from £165-185 as the starting point). Total cost would be approx £800 to include ferry and petrol. Quote arrived efficiently within a few hours of request. As I don't have too much stuff I shall probably take it over gradually myself but the info may help others with their calculations.
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If ferry costs are included then it will obviously vary considerably according to what time of year and what time of day you are going. I understand that vans are one area where Brittany Ferries is pretty competitive for fares with the likes of Transmanche and LD Lines. As one-way-hire includes a driver, and isn't self drive, the company will probably pick the crosssing that suits it best.

For that sort of money it is probably worth considering doing what we did - buy a cheap van yourself. Our old Transit (£425 with 1 year MoT, and just under 5m long, 2.1m high) cost very little more than a car on BF (or P&O, which was running to Cherbourg in those days) and carried many, many loads in both directions.

As for normal van hire, it depends where you are. I know a couple of companies in NW Sussex (one low-budget, the other mid-range) that will hire you a van and not object to going overseas.

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Thanks Will - as usual, very sound advice! I'd be grateful to know which the companies are that will hire a van with no objection about it going to France and back, as they'd almost certainly not be too far from us. I may yet be scouring the 'For Sale' section in the West Sussex Gazette too... I'm sure the van and driver set-up is good for those making a full move but I'm not sure it's economic for small fry!
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Our move is reasonably imminent (11th hour boundary hitches permitting !) but will be staged because we don't want to leave UK until our house is sold so I have bought a second hand box trailer, e.g. http://www.batesontrailers.com/trailer-detail.asp?ID=6&cat=1 and I reckon I can do the job in this in 2 1/2 trips.

Depending on day and time I can get across from Dover to Dunkirk on Norfolk Line for as little as £91 return which is very reasonable IMHO. On top of estimated fuel cost's of say £100 per round trip plus incidentals thats the job done for around about £750-800.

After the move I'm sure I could probably get most, if not all, of my money back by selling the trailer on although in truth I'll probably end up keeping it as I can imagine it could well come in quite useful once settled in France, cough cough [;-)] [;-)]

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Thanks again Will - we used to live very near Ewhurst and are only about 45 minutes further away now so that could prove very useful. This thread links well to a current item on the 'Buying a property' forum about buying new or taking things over from the UK. Naturally, opinions differ...!
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Not sure if this company is near you, but AFFORD rental (cars & vans) offered me a Luton van for 4 days for £500 all inclusive except for breakdown insurance which you had to provide yourself. I suppose that if you live near the ferry ports you could (depending where you are moving to) do 2/3 runs!


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Depends where you are, what you want to do, how far you are going but BCR's rates for a Luton are £70 per day or £300 for a week - extras are overseas breakdown insurance (can't remember what we paid) and you pay for mileage above 200 per day.

First time we hired from them (when signing for our first French house) we got a Luton at no extra charge because the standard model was not available. At Portsmouth P&O (then running to Cherbourg) refused to take it because it was higher than the van we had booked. But Brittany Ferries took us to Caen with no trouble. So we got our house, even though turning up at the notaire's in a 'rent a wreck' clutching a bank draft for many thousands of francs caused some amusement. Neither notaire nor sellers spoke English but they understood that slogan. The van was invaluable for the next couple of days buying furniture, gardening equipment etc. So a couple of  years later we hired from them again, a bigger Luton, for the final move to carry all the stuff we hadn't been able to fit into our own standard transit.

And I have preferred Brittany Ferries to P&O ever since. With good reason, as things turned out.

Edit - there's a follow-on story which I might tell you some time (unless you agree to pay me) involving a bed, and how we found the other hire company I mentioned that would allow you to go to France.

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After some follow-up research on your earlier post, Will, mentioning your first yellow van, you may be amused to know that I've found a company with various branches (two in Portsmouth) that quotes £121 from Wednesday evening to first thing Sunday morning for a Luton-type van - so far so good - price sounds excellent. Their name? Yellohire!! Um...
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Just hired a LWB van with tail lift for 15 days from a company in Sussex for £695 to bring items over from the UK to France. However, it was down to me to organise breakdown recovery in France.

As I am in the RAC thought lets try them. In addition, will need some for the car for trips down.

Obtained a very reasonable quote but it was for vehicles up to 11 years old. Mine will be 11 later this year.

‘How much more if over 11 years’ and the reply was ‘about £100’.

I was then asked what the vehicle was to which I replied ‘Land Rover Discovery’.

‘Ah, if you join one of the Land Rover clubs then you will not need to pay the additional £100 (the theory being that they look after their vehicles).

‘What is your membership number anyway’

‘Ah I see that you have Arrival Membership (via the Camping and Caravan Club), so the additional £100 does not apply to you, nor does maximum vehicle length and certain other things’.

The moral of the story? If you are still UK based, have an older car and cannot join an appropriate car club with links to the RAC, join the Camping and Caravan Club – about £30 – and save on your European Breakdown (as well as ordinary membership). Have not got a tent or caravan – the club makes no checks.



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  • 3 years later...
[quote user="sclarke2208"]There are many company available in market and they give us the van rental service Los angeles and san franscisco but I want to budget travel for 10-12 passenger So Dear Friends can you help me for this travel hire.[/quote]
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[quote user="aliyah62"][quote user="sclarke2208"]There are many company available in market and they give us the van rental service Los angeles and san franscisco but I want to budget travel for 10-12 passenger So Dear Friends can you help me for this travel hire.[/quote][/quote]

Think maybe the answer to this query is to contact confused.com  [8-)]

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I give you one Travel Tips For Get Vans For rent If you are planning a trip to Southern California, or the Southland as they refer to it out there, consider a Los Angeles van rental for your group. Airport Van Rental is who we used and I recommend them to everyone. They have well-maintained vehicles from the minivan up to 15-passenger vans, and offer online discounts.

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